Cant Breath

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Little(s): Fundy (1-3)
CG(s): Eret
TW: Binding for too long, panic attack
Relationship: Adoptive parent and son

Fundy has been wearing his binder for too long (relatable) and it's getting hard for him to breathe he panics when a storm hits and Eret finds him

Fundy POV
I walked out of Nikki's bakery and exhaled loudly, it felt like I was holding my breath for hours. the talking made my ribs hurt and my binder tightens, but luckily I was out of the situation and went on my way to las navades, I wandered around in the direction not really caring how long it took to get there. I passed by the ruins of Lamanburg before hearing lighting. I hated it, anything that had to do with thunderstorms in that matter. The rain started to fall heavily, each raindrop that fell would sting my skin so in fear I dug under the prime path and hid there. I started to panic as the rain poured down harder and my binder got tighter from the hyperventilating, I felt very dizzy and I fainted.

Eret POV
I walked around the SMP after the storm looking for anything that might be damaged. I walked along the prime path looking at every structure, I walked towards Lamanburg as my heels clicked against the wood I stopped for a moment after hearing... crying? No, it wasn't crying it was whimpering, I looked around trying to see where the noise was coming from until I realized it was under me. I dug around the prime path until I saw him, Fundy was lying under the prime path wimpering in his sleep, I grabbed him and pulled him from his hiding place wondering how the poor boy got there. I took a closer look at him and noticed he wasn't breathing properly, I lifted up his shirt to find bruising around his binder. I was in shock, how long had he been wearing it and why didn't he tell me, without another thought I picked him up and started sprinting towards the castle.

When they arrived

I instantly sat Fundy down on my bed and started to slowly unclasp his binder not wanting to damage his ribs anymore, I swiftly switched out the restraining piece of clothing with an oversized sweatshirt and threw the binder in the dirty laundry. I checked his breathing pattern regularly and concluded that I could leave him alone to sleep for a while, I left my room and went down the hall to run a bath for him since he was still covered in mud and sweat. I added bubbles and other toys to the bath in case he regressed, I left the bath to cool down while I woke up Fundy. I strolled down the hall and into my bedroom where I saw Fundy lightly snoring, I sat down next to him and lightly ruffled his hair "wake up fundy, I have a bath ready for you" I spoke softly he grumbled but opened his eyes tiredly "mama, I don feel good" he sat up rubbing his eyes "I know darling, you'll feel better once you to a nice bubble bath" he smiled until he realized what he was wearing "wears my binder?!" he frantically sat up before doubling down I'm pain "ow ow ow!" he shouted hugging his chest.

I carefully picked up fundy and brought him down the hall to the bathroom, I sat him down on the counter and opened the bottom cabinet grabbing some pain medication and handing it to fundy "NO! Meds ucky" he yelled at me "love, you have to they'll make you feel better ok?" fundy just crossed his arms and shut his mouth right "there bubblegum flavored" fundys eyes lit up and he swiped (swiper no swiping) and quickly ate the tablets "there now, can you bath yourself?" fundy nodded and with that, I left the bathroom.

Fundy POV
After Mama left the room I took off my sweatshirt and hopped into the bath, I just sat there for a bit before playing with some of the toys a rubber duckie to be exact. I got out of the bath after I washed my fur, I dried off with a shark towel and then I put on the clothes that Mama laid out for me. I stumbled out of the bathroom and walked towards the bedroom where Mama was laying out new sheets "Hii papa!" I squealed happily they looked startled for a second and then smiled and picked me up "how was your bath, prince?" they questioned, "it was goods, me an duckie played!" I happily explained "mkay, but now it's time to watch cartoons and relax" he brought me downstairs and into the living room "what do you want to watch?" She questioned "STEVEN UNIVERSE!!!!" I yelled "inside voice baby" they lectured I nodded as Steven Universe turned on and me and mama spent the rest of the night watching it.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!
And stay safe <3

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