take me into your loving arms

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While Barry, Kara, Iris, and Mon-El were on Argo, the DEO was hectic, but yet dull. Winn was working around some computers when J'onn approached him, "Agent Schott," he said as the two walked around the circular table together, "Any word from Supergirl?"

"No, but we expected that," Winn said as they stood before the many monitors, "They're on the dark side, which means they're probably scraping off a nice chunk of space rock off a much larger piece of space rock any minute."

"I need to know the second they're on their way back," J'onn said.

"Well, I got the radio dialed up to eleven. Like, I re-tasked six military satellites to scan all airspace around the meteorite, and then I've just been obsessively checking that scan for, like, the faintest blip," Winn explained as J'onn kept his stern look on the screens, "I will not miss them."


"And yet you seem, uh, more stoic and grave than usual, which, if we're being honest, is making me, like, a little bit queasy," Winn stammered, "What happened? You tell me."

"Reign is becoming immune to Ms. Luthor's synthetic Kryptonite faster than we expected," J'onn told him.


"To be on the safe side, I've evacuated L-Corp, and I have a strike team standing by with sound guns, body boots, and red sun grenades," J'onn explained.

"Because that's worked approximately zero times before," Winn said and J'onn shot him an annoyed look.

"Do I seem appropriately stoic and grave to you now, Mr. Schott?" He asked before walking away.

Winn stood there awkwardly before muttering, "Better crank that baby up to twelve."

Iris's Apartment

"The cosmos. A tree of infinite branches flowering with stars..."

Ruby was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a documentary about space when Alex plopped down next to her, holding a bowl of popcorn, "Now, Iris is out there with Supergirl and The Flash right now on a mission to find a substance that's gonna fix your mom," Alex told her.

"One of these stars belong to us. There's so much nothing..."

"What if they don't make it back in time?" Ruby asked.

"Well...they're called Supergirl and The Flash for a reason," Alex said and Ruby looked at her, with a nervous look, "They will, I promise."

"We circle this star, our sun...

"Hey, you know what?" Alex continued.

"...for life force."

"Why don't we get out of here?" Alex asked, taking the remote and pausing the documentary, "I just happen to know where there is a wicked ice cream truck. And, I mean, all the toppings."

"That's all I need right now," Ruby said.

"Let's do it. Me, too," Alex said before the two got off the couch, got their shoes on, and headed for the front door.

Downtown National City

Once they got their ice cream, Alex and Ruby began walking down the sidewalks of a small marketplace, eating out of their small bowls, "I could definitely be an astronaut," Ruby said.

"Mmm. I could see that. You know, once you get past your motion-sickness thing, I think you'd be golden," Alex said before they stopped at a small cart with accessories.

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