the danvers-allen union

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Meanwhile in the sky, Supergirl and Overgirl continued to go at each other, with punching, flying, laser heat vision, but neither were able to beat the other. They were both just too strong.

Streets of Central City

Zooming below the girls, was The Flash and The Reverse Flash, The Flash trying to catch him for once and for all. But struggled to, just like Supergirl with Overgirl.


Harry watched the the Wellerieter carefully, his hand hovering over the kill button, which would destroy the Wellerieter. But Cisco, Killer Frost, Zari, and Vixen were all still on board. "Come on, Ramon." He pressed the button anyway, which sent mass explosions on the Wellerieter.

Iris and Harry watched as the ship exploded into bits, but their friends were still nowhere to be seen. The ship began to fall to the ground when a breach opened up behind them, and Cisco, Killer Frost, Zari and Vixen all walked out from. "Nailed it!"

Streets of Central City

While our heroes continued to fight off the Nazis, The Flash zoomed the Reverse Flash against a wall, yanked his cowl off, and vibrated his hand right above his heart. "Go on! End it." But Flash was still hesitant. "End it!" But relunctly, Flash backed off, removing his hand off of Thawne, and his hand going back to normal. "What's stopping you? Oh, I forgot. Barry Allen doesn't kill. Not anymore that is. Isn't that right?"

But Flash glared at him, though he would do nothing about it. "Get out of here."

"I wonder what face I'll be wearing next time we meet," Thawne said as he walked off the wall, and placing his cowl back on. "Flash."

He zoomed off while Flash grumbled to himself. "Can't wait." He then looked up into the sky, to see Supergirl flying up to Overgirl.

Skies of Central City

When Supergirl did fly up to Overgirl, she saw that she looked to be in pain, clutching onto her head, floating oddly.

"I'm detecting dangerously high radiation levels."

"Disembodied computer voice lady's right. Supergirl-X is about to go super-nova."

"Supergirl, your doppelgänger's about to have a meltdown."

Supergirl stared at Overgirl overwhelmed as she yanked her mask off, yellow veins covering her body as she screamed out in pain. "What do I do?"

"You need to fly her up. Up. And away. Now."

Just like that, Supergirl grabbed her doppelgänger, and zoomed them up into the sky, Overgirl getting closer to exploding, and Supergirl trying to hurry up before she did.

Down below, The Flash and Alex watched together, concerned expressions on both their faces, as they held the other hands.

Supergirl flew Overgirl right outside the atmosphere of Earth, where she immediately exploded, sending a huge blast throughout the skyline, which also sent Supergirl down back into the Earth.

As the two were fighting on top of a van, Dark Arrow saw the blast, and immediately turned around, dropping to his knees. "No!" Green Arrow placed an arrow in his bow, pointing it at his doppelgänger, whilst his doppelgänger grew up anger throughout him. "I'm gonna kill you-" But as soon as he turned around, the Green Arrow released his arrow, which pierced into Dark Arrow's chest. He dropped to his knees and fell back, with the Green Arrow hovering over him while Nazis laid dead around them.

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