the calm after the firestorm

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Sitting in the kitchen of the Waverider, was Mick, getting drunk on multiple bottles of beer, when suddenly a bottle was taken from him. By someone he once knew. He stared up to see Leo Snart. "Hey there, friend." But all Mick did, was internally freak out. "No need to numb your feelings with alcohol."

He sat down in front of Mick, as Mick started softly hitting his forehead. "The ghost is back."

"No, not a ghost," Leo said and Mick looked at him. "I'm Leo. Leo Snart from Earth-X. It's okay, buddy. I know you're hurting over Firestorm."

Mick scoffed before he grabbed another bottle, but Leo tried to stop him. "Get your hand off me."

"What is wrong, partner?" Leo asked. "Talk to me."

"You're not my partner. You're a gangbanger," Mick said, taking another sip of beer.

"I think you mean doppelgänger. And there was one of you on my Earth, too. Rest his soul," Leo said and Mick looked at him.

"Wait. I'm dead on Planet Nazi? Let me guess. In a fire?" Mick asked.

"You just kept going back into that burning police station until the last officer had been rescued," Leo sadly said but Mick looked at him annoyed.

"I died trying to save pigs?" He asked. "I'm gonna be sick."


In the med bay, Caitlin turned to Jax, who looked worse then before. "How you feeling, Jax?"

"Oh, don't worry about me. How's Grey?" Jax asked.

"I have him sedated. Don't worry. Gideon and I are doing everything we can to fix him," Caitlin assured.

"Okay. Good," Jax muttered.

Caitlin smiled until she walked out of the med bay, her smile dropping, now just concern on her. She walked down the halls where she was met with Ray Palmer. "Still no improvement?"

"He's getting worse," Caitlin said.

"Marty or Jax?" Ray asked.

"Both," Caitlin answered.

"I just can't believe there's nothing Gideon can do," Ray said.

"Medically speaking, Professor Stein shouldn't even be alive right now. The only thing that kept him from dying is-"

"Jax. Bonding with him," Ray said.

"Yeah. Jax is basically functioning as a human life-support machine, able to keep the Professor alive but...only for so long," Caitlin said.

"Does Jax know?" Ray asked.

"That he's gonna die too?" Caitlin asked. "I didn't know how to tell him."

"It'll be okay. We got a whole mess of smart people on this ship. Somebody's gonna figure out something," Ray said and Caitlin nodded before he walked off.


Walking through the halls, Curtis was freaking out with Zari and Amaya with him. "Oh, man, I have just died and went to geek heaven."

"Told you we picked the right guy," Zari told Amaya.

"Uh, picked the right guy to do what?" Curtis asked.

"Hunt Nazis," Amaya said before they turned into a large room, with loads of tech in it.

"Meet our resident Earth-X expert, The Ray," Zari said, gesturing to The Ray standing inside the room, without his helmet on.

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