we are superflash

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"It's sad, but life is full of sudden goodbyes."

"Hey, it's Barry Allen. Leave a message."

"Allen, Captain Singh. Got some good news about you getting your job back. You can thank your wife, too. Apparently the Mayor read the article Kara wrote about DeVoe, and she's decided——"

But Barry wouldn't get this voicemail. Not for a while. Because the city went completely dark, cutting off all phones, all cars, all machines. Everything. The night sky glowed purple as the moon continued to shine down onto the streets.

Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, and Mon-El ran about STAR Labs, absolutely panicked that it happened. The Enlightenment began. And STAR Lab's power was completely out, with nothing working.

"Cisco, we need power!" Barry yelled, crossing over the cortex.

"Working on it!" Cisco yelled back, crossing the opposite way.

"Nothing is working," Caitlin said, walking up behind the console as Mon-El was pressing buttons on a computer on the other side of the room, hoping if he wielded it so, they would turn on. But nothing, "Not even cell phones."

"That's what I was worried about," Barry said as Mon-El slammed his fist into the table in frustration.

"It's happening, isn't it?" They all turned around to find Joe, Cecile, Iris, and a concerned Ruby had walked into the cortex, "The Enlightenment."

"Iris," Mon muttered, quickly walking up to her, the two engulfing each other in tight hugs, "I was worried," and their hug broke, "When everything went dark...all I could think about..."

"Yeah," Iris nodded, "Me too."

"Is this really happening?" Joe asked.

"I don't know," Barry said, them all looking back at him, "I mean, our plan didn't work. DeVoe replaced the satellite I destroyed with the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite to see off The Enlightenment."

"Bar, it's going nuts out there. There is no power anywhere. Our car just stopped working," Joe said.

"Thank God we were close by. I mean, the hospital is another three miles away," Cecile said.

"The hospital?" Caitlin questioned, right before Cecile lurched over, griping onto her stomach painfully while screaming out in agony.

Mon-El, Barry, and everyone else eyed her in panic as Joe, Iris, and Ruby just stared at them with concern for Cecile, "Joe?" Cecile muttered.

"She's in labor," Iris told them.

"The sky turned purple, and she started having contractions," Joe told Barry.

"Cisco, hurry!" Barry called out to Cisco in the distance, his blood rushing in panic for Cecile and her baby.

"If we're not able to get her to the hospital, can you use—"

"No, Barry can't run her," Caitlin quickly intervened, "It is not safe for Cecile or the baby."

"I could fly her," Mon stepped in.

"That's not entirely safe with a woman in labor," Caitlin told him.

"Then what are we gonna do?" Joe asked.

"I have everything here I'd need to deliver a baby," Caitlin said, and at the same time, Joe and Cecile shot her a look.


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