crisis on earth-x: PART TWO

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"Love is not finding someone to live with. It's finding someone you can't live without."
- Rafael Ortiz

Quickly walking into the pipeline, where Oliver, Kara, Barry, Sara and Emma were, Felicity walked up next to Oliver right as she saw what they saw. The prisoner they caught. The one with a sword. But when he took off his mask, revealing himself, anyone who wasn't Oliver, Felicity or Sara all looked at him taken back, in utter shock. "Oh, my God."

"Oh, my God what?" Kara questioned, starting to feel stuffy in her wedding dress still.

"Who is that?" Emma asked.

"That's Tommy Merlyn," Sara answered.

"He died over five years ago," Felicity said before looking up at Oliver.

"Oliver, who's Tommy Merlyn?" Barry asked.

"Thea's other brother," Oliver softly said and the man in the cage softly nodded. "And my best friend." Oliver then stepped forward, staring at his dead best friend in his blue eyes. "We're gonna need a moment alone."


Mick walked into the cortex where Professor Stein, Sara, Jax, Iris, Mon-El, Kara, Barry, Alex, Caitlin, Felicity and Emma. "He's a crony."

"Anachronism," Professor Stein corrected.

"That's what I said," Mick said as he stood by Sara.

"Lately we've been dealing with anachronisms. It's people and things displaced throughout time," Sara explained to everyone.

"Ok, but why would Nazis from 1945 want to crash my wedding?" Kara asked.

"Crab legs," Mick said and Kara stared at him oddly. "They were delicious."

"Well, Kara has a point, though," Alex said, as she crossed the room, thinking to herself. "If they're out of time, they would've targeted the military or law enforcement."

"Tommy was plucked from five years ago and put in the Prometheus wardrobe," Felicity muttered before looking back at everyone. "That doesn't make any sense."

"It does if we're not dealing with an anachronism," Caitlin said, causing Team SuperFlash and Emma to look at her tensely.

"Visitors from another Earth?" Barry asked.

"Whoa. There are more than one?" Jax asked as Emma sat up from her seat.

"There are fifty-two actually," she said.

"Though I'm hard pressed to think of one where Nazis are ascendant," Professor Stein said.

"I can." They all looked back to find Harry standing in the med bay in the cortex, looking into the cortex. "There's a 53rd Earth, and it's called Earth-X."

After showing everyone a black and white video from the 1940s of Hitler's reign, Harry looked up at all the deeply disturbed individuals surrounding him. "It doesn't have a designation because it's a place so awful, so horrific, no sane person would ever travel there. It's basically our Earth — same history, same timeline — with one crucial and critical difference."

"So let me hypothesize. The Nazis developed the atomic bomb before the United States did, and they were more than happy to use it," Professor Stein said.

"Yes, the Nazis won the war, and New York, London, Paris, Moscow — all obliterated," Harry said and Kara looked across the way to see Felicity looking as though she might throw up. "The SS set up outposts not only all throughout Europe but also all throughout the Americas, and Hitler continued his brutal reign aided by prime ministers and presidents sympathetic to him until his death in 1994."

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