baby, your smile's forever in my mind

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At Tracy's Lab in Keystone, Supergirl, The Flash and Joe all walked with Neil Borman towards a truck in a garage while he wore his hazmat suit. "You're telling me I have to wear this thing the whole time?" He asked.

"Yeah, the suit protects us— more them than me— from you so that we can protect you from the guy that's trying to hunt you down," Supergirl explained.

"Why is he after me?" Borman asked.

"Honestly, Neil, we don't know, but we want to find out as much as you do," Supergirl said.

"And we will. Trust me," Flash said.

"Saved me once, Flash. I trust you to do it again," Borman said before the four approached Caitlin and Leo, who were waiting for them behind the opened truck.

"What's that?" Flash asked, gesturing to the device in Caitlin's hand.

"I whipped up this cocktail of atomized DTPA and potassium iodide. It should flood our thyroids with enough non-radioactive iodine so that if our containment suit doesn't work, it should offer us some protection from radiation," Caitlin explained before she stepped over to Leo, injecting the substance into his neck.

"Some protection, how vaguely reassuring," Leo sarcastically said.

"How long will this last?" Joe asked as Caitlin injected it into him.

"Two, three hours max," Caitlin explained before walking over to The Flash, injecting it into his neck as well, who at the moment, had his cowl off.

"We'd better get going," Supergirl said.

"Alright, let's just go over the plan one more time, okay?" Flash said as Caitlin injected herself, "I'm going to be running ahead of the truck, scouting the route for any signs of trouble."

"I'll be in the sky, doing the same while Cisco is at STAR Labs, tracking any pocket dimension en route," Supergirl explained.

"And I'll be in the truck with Neil monitoring his vitals and RADS," Caitlin added.

"With me at the ready, in case our meta of mass and destruction here goes all mushroom cloud," Leo said before looking at Borsman, "No offense."

"And I'll be driving. And reciting every prayer that Cecile's ever taught me," Joe said.

"I might join you. Rao knows I need everyone looked after," Supergirl added.

"Look, guys, I know DeVoe's hit us pretty hard, but right now, let's just- let's try to forget what he's taken from us, and stay focused on taking something from him by getting Neil safely to ARGUS. We do that, whatever DeVoe has planned falls apart. Winning this battle may just win us the war," Flash explained.

"Hear, hear!" Leo said and they all looked at him, "Let's all make sure we keep our heads in the game. So we can stay safe out there."

The Flash stared at him annoyed as Supergirl helped Neil into the truck with Caitlin and Joe walked around to the driver's seat. "I know what that was about," Flash said.

"It was a good speech, Barry. Just making sure you heard it, didn't just give it," Leo told him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Flash asked.

"If you don't confront your feelings, they will confront you," Leo said before getting into the truck.


On the road, The Flash continued to zoom throughout the roads the truck was on, making sure everything was okay while Supergirl constantly checked her surroundings up in the air. "All clear on my end," she said into comms.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now