take me into your loving arms

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At the DEO, Supergirl and The Flash were walking together, talking amongst each other when suddenly Lena was escorted towards them by DEO agents, holding a briefcase. The two immediately noticed her, and stared at her confused, "Lena," Supergirl said.

"Supergirl," Lena greeted, before looking at The Flash, "Flash."

"Ms. Luthor," Flash greeted.

"I have something for you," Lena told the two, "But don't be alarmed, it's in a lead-lined case."

Supergirl glanced at the case nervously before looking at Lena again, "Is that Kryptonite?" She asked as both she and The Flash tensed.

"To help you fight Reign," Lena said and Supergirl sighed.

"Oh, you have gall, lying to my face," she said as The Flash looked between the two, not even sure what to say. If he should say anything at all.

"You know," Lena started, placing the briefcase down on the ground, "I did not lie. This isn't Lex's, it's mine. I figured out how to make it, and I did. And I supercharged it just for Reign."

"You what?" Supergirl asked.
"Excuse me?" Flash asked.

"You are going to turn over the formula to Alex. You are going to take any Kryptonian elements from your lab and bring them to the DEO, and you are never going to make Kryptonite ever again," Supergirl told her before she began to storm off, with The Flash following her.

"You know, I knew this is how you'd react," Lena said, turning to them as they went, and they stopped, looking back at her, "But James Olsen convinced me that we were on the same side. He thought you'd actually be grateful."

"You think I should be grateful that you learned how to make the one substance on this planet that can kill me?" Supergirl asked.

"Thousands of things can kill me, Supergirl. And everyone else on this planet," Lena said and the two looked at her almost annoyed, "Fire. But we don't go around banning bonfires or candles. Cars kill people every day, and yet we still have the courage to get in every morning and drive ourselves to work. There is one element on the planet that kills a Kryptonian, and you can't tolerate its existence."

"That's because you're human. She's not," Flash argued and Lena almost rolled her eyes, "No, this one element makes Supergirl instantly weakened, and she can't even walk. Trust me, I have witnessed this multiple times because multiple times, our enemies have tried to kill her with Kryptonite."

But seeing Lena still didn't understand, the two shook their heads, beginning to walk off, until they heard her say, "You really do have a god complex," and they immediately looked back at her, knowing she was saying that they thought they were better than everyone just because they had powers.

"Do you know what it's like to walk into a room and your skin feel like it's going to be seared off your bones? Or like nails are running through your blood? That's what Kryptonite feels like," Supergirl told her.

"I don't know, it sounds like exactly what you need to subdue Reign," Lena said and Supergirl scoffed before she walked past her, picking up the briefcase.

The Flash sternly stared down Lena as she turned back to Supergirl annoyed, "I need to be the only person in control of Kryptonite on this planet," she said before she swung around to face Lena again, "Even if I did trust you, even if we were on the same side, this substance is so lethal to me that I can't risk encountering it by mistake."

"Trust is hard for me, too, Supergirl, but since we seem to need each other, we're just gonna have to figure it out," Lena said before she walked off and both Supergirl and The Flash watched her go before looking back at each other.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now