Iris and Mon-El quotes

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"I'm Iris West, by the way..."

"I'm Mon-El..."

"I know what it's like being a stranger in a new surrounding. I mean, look at me. I dropped everything in Central City except for my Dad and Barry, to move to a new city. Everyone here gives me stares. So...when you wake up...I'll — if you let me — I'll help you. So you never know what it like to be alone...that may be cheesy or something...I don't kno—"

"I'm just letting letting my people know I'm alive..."

"Why are you here...?"

"I didn't come here to hurt anyone..."

"Hi ~ "

"Why did you do that...?"

"Do what? ~ "

"I'm sorry you got stranded here..."

"It's not your fault..."

"I know, but you're stranded on a planet you don't know, with people you also don't know — like me..."

"Well, you're the only one whose been nice to me so far, so it's not that bad..."

"I do have a boyfriend though...I don't think you should be flirting with me..."

"So, wait — Kara is Supergirl, obviously, but she told you not to tell Barry, right?'re telling me that Barry is the, that blur thingy, is Barry and he also told you not to tell Kara? Damn..."

"I know! And I couldn't just keep this damn secret on my own! It's too hard! They are always around each other as Kara and Barry or as Supergirl and Barry. And I might slip up one day and then they'll hate me..."

"Hey — You're not on your own anymore — You have me..."

"What...What's going on here...?"

"You didn't tell him?! They let Iris go on a mission for tech backup and she got captured by the hellgrammite..."



"No! Get out of here, it's a trap! — No! Don't hurt him!"

"Are you okay?"

"I will be, Once we get out of here — Mon-El!"


"And you like Mon-El..."

"Um, first off, he prefers Mon...Second off, we're just friends..."

"You looked at Mon-El like he was a French fry..."

"Clark? Clark Kent is Superman...?"

"Who is Clark Kent...?"

"Clark- Clark Kent is Superman..."


"Oh...My, God. just saved my life. I owe you big time..."

"Well, you could, um, repay your debt right now and uh, dance with me...?"

"Fine, but we should definitely talk about you and Mon..."

"There's nothing to talk about..."


"Why do you look so lopey...?"

"Well, Iris went back the boyfriend..."


"Hey, Mon..."

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