battles lost and won

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"It's hard to turn the page when you know someone won't be in the next chapter. But the story must go on."
- Thomas Wilder

The entire city was crumbling. Buildings cracking. People screaming. Streets destroyed. Cars crashing.

In the midst of the the scared people of National City, Supergirl and Alura landed in front of city hall, amongst so much chaos, as The Flash zoomed up to them. He had just saved a family from being crushed by a falling bridge.

He stopped in his tracks, next to his wife when he saw her use his laser heat vision to destroy falling building parts. Falling her lead, Alura did the same.

The mother chuckled surprised once their eyes cooled down, and the mother and daughter looked at each other, "Nice one, mom," Supergirl smiled.


Ruby held onto Iris, as they tried to keep their balance from the shaking building. Lights cracked from the ceiling while Ruby looked down at her unconscious mother, worried, "It's hurting her," she said as Lena strutted over to them.

"No, it's okay, it's okay," Lena assured, "She's gonna get through this, and stop it."

CatCo Worldwide Media

Meanwhile, at the the news outlet building, Guardian flipped over, grabbing a woman as he went, while the building shook, objects falling and people as well, "Everyone down, as quick as you can," Guardian said, guiding people towards the nearest stairs, "Get away from the building!"

The vigilante stopped a moment to stare at a nearby TV, seeing a news reporter speaking while a video of Superman played behind her,

"Superman saves Madagascar, more from our reporter on the ground."

"Kick some ass, Clark," Guardian muttered under his breath before running off to help more people.

Somewhere Near Madagascar

Landing on a large piece of rock, J'onn and Myr'nn knew this was where the nexus point was since it was shaking the most there. There was cracks in the ground leading up to them, with fire exploding out from it.

"Our time is short, it seems," Myr'nn said as the two looked at each other.

"Give them all to me," J'onn desperately said, "Every memory. I can take it."

"We haven't the time," Myr'nn sternly said, "But there is one more I must give you."

Myr'nn touched his son's arm and he gasped as that blue substance surrounded them again. J'onn looked around him, seeing many flashes of multiple events happening at once.

"This is the dawn of our kind. She was the first keeper of the sacred scrolls. This is the moment she received them..."

J'onn gasped as he watched the god he prayed to appear from nowhere, speaking to a green martian in their native language before disappearing again.

National City, USA

Guardian ran the streets, protecting citizens from falling debris with his shield. He helped a woman off the ground, helping her away from the crumbling building before it could crash. He then began to run towards the building that was on fire when he heard a woman's yelling coming closer and closer towards him,

"My son! My son is in there!" Guardian spun around, stopping the woman from running into the building, "My son's on the second floor. Please—"

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