think fast

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"If no pain, then no love. If no darkness, no light. If no risk, then no reward. It's all or nothing. In this damn world, it's all or nothing."
- Glennon Doyle Melton

One morning, Kara was sitting behind the console at STAR Labs, watching her screens as The Flash zoomed throughout the entire city while Cisco stood by her, "We've got eyes on Cape Canaveral, Space X, and the Xivhang Space Center—"


The Flash zoomed into the cortex, speeding out of his suit and into regular clothes, putting his suit up, in under a second before looking back at the two, "And Blackhawk Island," he added, "That's every launch pad south of the 39th parallel."

"Good man," Cisco smiled.

"Okay, how are you so sure that DeVoe is gonna launch the satellites from an airfield?" Kara questioned.

"If he's shooting five satellites into synchronous orbit, that's the latitude he needs," Cisco told her, "And whether or not he's still moping around about his wife, ditching him, he's gonna resurface. And he's gonna do it soon. And when he does, I whoosh. You whoosh. She whoosh," he then handed Barry the shrapnel bomb, "She bangs."

"If I can get there in time," Barry said as Kara stared up at him, her head slightly tilted in worry, "I mean, I'm still not fast enough to make it to DeVoe's pocket dimension."

"That's why we split up," Cisco said as they all eyed him, "Yeah. Each one of us stakes out a different launch pad."

"You're serious?" Barry asked, "I mean you've seen DeVoe in action."

"Yeah, the guy's a one man Legion of Doom. So send the Super Friends," Cisco said, gesturing to himself, Kara, and Mon-El.

"Okay, but we're not a full super speed strength right now. I mean, Joe's got the baby on the way and Caitlin's looking for Killer Frost. Plus our other Super Friends...they're still recovering from Reign's attack."

"Reign attacked again?" Cisco questioned.

"It's a long story," Kara said.

"She's in custody now, and Ruby knows now—"

"Like I said, it's a long story," Kara cut in.

"Also, Harry's—"

Right then, Harry walked out from Caitlin's office, accidentally crashing into a chair, almost falling down. He caught himself as Kara quickly got up, walking up to him to make sure he was alright, "This chair came out of nowhere," he mumbled before spotting everyone staring at them, "So hey, Allen, Danvers-Allen," he then looked at Cisco, trying to remember his name, "...Ramon."

"Cisco," Cisco muttered.

"Cisco Ramon," Harry said before he turned back to the married couple, showing them his tablet. That had Kara's article on it, "Check this out, okay? Somebody has been blogging about the Thinker. About DeVoe and the bus metas, all of it," Kara and Barry slowly looked at each other before looking at Harry, frowned lines on their lips, "If we find this blogger, we can stop the Thinker—"

"Hey, buddy," Kara said, stepping towards, gently caressing his arm.

"Hey, buddy."

"That's— That's my article," Kara continued and Harry looked at her confused.

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