on my beating heart

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When the group re-appeared back in the Speed Lab, Mon-El and Iris together, quickly ran up on the platform, searching through the computers, and saw the dark matter scanner came up empty, "There's no more dark energy anywhere in the city," Iris said before looking at everyone with a smile, "We did it."

They all looked at each other relieved as Cisco and Ralph hugged, "Oh, my stretchy so-and-so," Cisco said.

Cecile's relieved smile dropped when she old an odd wet sensation down below, that she's only ever felt once over twenty years ago, "Uhhh," she muttered and they looked back at her, "Guys, my water just broke."

"Let's get her to the Med Lab. Quickly," Caitlin told Joe, who quickly helped Cecile to her feet.

"Okay. Baby's coming," Cecile muttered, "Oh, boy, baby's coming."

"Careful. Carefully," Caitlin said, everyone following Cecile and Joe out of the Speed Lab.

"Come on, Harry," Supergirl said, taking his arm, and dragging him with them, though he looked very confused.


Cecile was very soon set up in the Med Lab, in a hospital gown, laying on the med bed. Joe stood next to her, as the two watched Caitlin check Cecile's stomach. Her light brown hair was up in a ponytail, out of the way, while she had medical gloves on, and a white lab coat on.

"Please, tell me you've done this before," Joe said.

"A few times. In Med school," Caitlin said and the two looked at her shocked.

"Med—Med School?" Cecile questioned.

"Yeah," Caitlin said, with a smile.

"Okay. Okay. Med school," Cecile muttered, shaking her head, before looking at Joe, who looked at Caitlin stressed, "Joe, just relax," she then looked back at Caitlin, "We got this, right?"

"Yeah, just breath out," Caitlin said before she placed herself in front of Cecile's legs.

Cecile looked at Joe, "Just breath out," she whispered, and at the same time, they both exhaled sharply, now that the moment had came, they both realized how stressed and anxious they were to have a baby.


The doors to the Med Lab from the cortex shut, so the birth was private, and because everyone else was quickly at work, they didn't need to be distracted by seeing someone give birth. Cisco kept walking up to different computers, as Supergirl, Barry, and Marlize stood behind the console, "Power's back on everywhere," Cisco said as he crossed over to the console.

"Now the world can finally get back to normal," Iris said, she and Mon-El standing behind the group with Ralph.

But at a board, Harry was back to writing symbols, muttering, "Standing, tossing, turning, falling, falling—"

"What happened to him?" Ralph asked.

"He's enlightened."

Everyone practically gasped in shock as they saw DeVoe before them, sitting in his floating chair. Supergirl and Barry quickly stepped towards him, just to stop in their place when his body — flickered?

He's a hologram...

They stared at him confused as Cisco saw the computer in front of him static back to purple.

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