I know you will still

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The dark forests — Juru. Laid in the middle of the forest was Lena, Supergirl and Alex, unconscious, until they all suddenly jolted up, gasps leaving their breaths. "We're here," Supergirl said.

Soon enough, the three were up and about, getting to work. Supergirl leaned on the ground, touching the soil with Lena pacing behind her while in the distance, Alex was gathering large sticks. "This is...this is impressive," Lena muttered.

"This is Juru," Supergirl said before standing up.

At the same time, the two turned back to Alex who was being obnoxiously loud gathering the sticks. "Are those for Sam and Julia?" Lena asked as Alex walked back over to them, holding three sharpened sticks.

"It's for whatever might be around," Alex said.

"I don't even know if anything here can get injured," Lena said before Alex poked her stomach with a stick, "Ow!"

"Yeah, we're good," Alex said before she turned to Supergirl, gesturing to a very sharp stick in her hand, "This one. I like this one, it's mine."

She then handed a stick to Lena and one to Supergirl, but once she got her stick, she had to prove a theory she had. She placed pressure over her hand, creating a slash in her hand. She winced as she did so before showing the two her self injury, "Yep, this place bites."

The girls then started to look around, but soon Alex's eyes were placed to the foggy ground where she found a body. A dead body. "Oh, my God," she muttered.

"What?" Supergirl asked before she spotted the body too.

"That's Grace," Alex said.

"Who?" Lena asked.

"She's the human form of one of the Worldkillers," Supergirl told her.

"Oh, I- uh- she's dead," Lena stammered.

"Which means that we're running out of time with Sam and Julia," Alex said.

"Yeah," Supergirl muttered before she pointed behind them with her stick, "They headed in this direction."

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

The Legion's Ship, Iris hovered over Supergirl with The Flash as J'onn stood by Alex and Brainy and Imra stood behind the consoles. "Fifty-four minutes to totality," Brainy informed and The Flash's eyebrows furrowed up, such worry striking him.

More worry hit him when Supergirl's EKG started beeping rapidly. He looked down at Supergirl more tensely when she started breathing heavily in her sleep, stuttering around. Iris grabbed her hand, her eyebrows crinkled up, worry filing her dark eyes, wishing Kara never agreed to do this, wishing she didn't put herself up when she knew there wasn't that much energy left in her.

Unknowingly to Iris, Mon-El stood across the room, watching the worried girl even more worried. Guilty. He had such a heavy chest for what he promised Supergirl, and he hated that he was, in a way, lying to Iris all over again. Too many emotions filled him over so he quickly walked out of the room and into a hallway. But his sudden and abrupt disappearance caught the attention of some. The Flash.

He walked after him, and upon entering the hallway, he took his cowl off so the two could be face to face. When he did find Mon-El, he was facing the wall, a hand to his face, and Barry knew he was beyond stressed. "Mon," Barry said and Mon-El turned back around towards him, finding a worried face on him. But just as he found one on him, Barry saw one of Mon-El as well, "She's strong, Mon. That thought keeps repeating despite every atom in my body yelling at me to pull her out."

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now