the flash reborn

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"If two people meant to be together, they will eventually find their way back into each other's arms, no matter what."
- unknown author

One morning, Kara was sitting on her couch in her loft, watching tv, trying to wake up to start her day when her phone started to buzz. She paused what she was watching and picked it up. "Cisco?" But what he said on the other line caused Kara to freeze in place. "I'm on my way."

Streets of Central City

Meanwhile, Kid Flash zoomed around the city, trying to keep up with a certain meta on the loose. But he suddenly stopped in the middle of the street. "I can't find her, Cisco," he said, then a couple feet behind him, a portal opened up, and Vibe jumped out from it, doubled over, huffing and puffing.

"I gotta work out more," he mumbled right as Joe's police car zoomed by them. "She's really stepped up her game."

"Then let's turn up ours. I don't have eyes on her. SG?"

Kid Flash and Vibe looked up in the sky to see a certain Kryptonian zoom above them, causing the two to smile. "I'm on it." But just a few seconds went by before she said anything else. "Duck!"

"I don't see no duck," Kid Flash said but then the meta, Peekaboo popped behind him, punching down both him and Vibe.

"Peekaboo," she said, standing over them. "Your only warning, boys. Stay back."

She then dissolved away as Kid Flash and Vibe sat up. "She meant the other duck," Kid Flash said.

"Yeah, I cannot believe you actually thought she meant a duck duck," Vibe said, and he looked up again to see Supergirl zoom by in a different direction.

"Where is she, SG?"

"She's headed for the Keystone Bridge. If she gets out of the city, we're gonna lose her for good. We have to stop her now."

"Oh, I'ma catch her this time," Kid Flash before he zoomed off and Vibe sighed heavily.

"I hate teleporters," he muttered before he opened up a portal and jumped in.

As Kid Flash chased after Peekaboo, with Supergirl zooming through the sky, following them, she noticed something. "Three...Three...she's jumping every third rooftop," Supergirl muttered.

"What was that?"

"Cisco, she's gonna jump to the Broome Tower. When she lands, we have to stop her," Supergirl informed.

"On it."

"Joe, meet them at the bottom," Supergirl continued.



"I know what to do."

At the Broome Tower, Vibe opened up a portal and jumped out on the roof. In the distance, he could see Kid Flash, Peekaboo and Supergirl heading right for him. "Come on," he muttered to himself.

Right then, Peekaboo appeared in front of him, floating in the air, when he blasted her, keeping her in place. "Peekaboo-yah!"

Then, Supergirl and Kid Flash zoomed up to them, Supergirl taking Peekaboo in her arms, flying right through the portal. Kid Flash and Vibe jumped in after her.

The four landed in an alleyway and all fell onto the pavement. But when the heroes looked up, they saw Peekaboo standing over them, holding up two guns. "Dead bang, fellas," she said.

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