like they used to before

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At the gala, Supergirl flew right at the Lexosuit but Lillian pulled out a kryptonite blade and slashed right at her. Supergirl crashed back into a table and some small Christmas trees.

But suddenly, a drone was yanked at the Lexosuit, causing an explosion right on it. It turned back to see Mon-El floating in the air, being the one who threw the drone, while Supergirl sat up on the ground, a glowing green slash across her face. "I'm sorry, did that hit you?" He asked.

But Iris, she ran through the glass filled ground, heading right for Supergirl, needing to help her when she caught Lillian's attention. "Guess he got over his allergy to lead," she said to Iris before she flew up into the sky towards Mon.

All the drones that surrounded Mon-El, Lillian was destroying. Until they all dropped down to the ground. "Uh, Winn?" Mon asked into the comms.

"Sorry, these are not the drones you're looking for. We're working on the right ones."

"Please hurry," Mon said.

But right then, Lillian was zooming at Mon and fast, holding the blade, possibly about to impale him. But Supergirl zoomed up into the sky, floating up in front of Mon just in time before she punched the Lexosuit away.

"Ha-ha! I think I found the right drone —— Mon-El, I've hacked the drone, it is ready."

Mon then turned to Supergirl, who was still floating nearby. "Keep her busy. I've got your back, I promise," he said and she nodded before she flew up more into the sky.

On the ground, Morgan Edge was running about the building of the gala, trying to find an escape, having grabbed the recorder at some point. But when he turned the corner, he found Guardian waiting there for him. "I told you if I had to see you again, you wouldn't be walking out," he said before he banged his shield against Edge's face.

He was knocked to the ground, and he slid across the floor. When he looked up, he saw a certain dark haired woman had slowly walked up to him, smiling down at him. Iris.

She picked the recorder from out of his hand before standing up again, tilting her head at the man. "Ass," she said before she kicked him in the face, initially knocking him out.

"Now, that's the understatement of the century," Guardian said and Iris smiled at him.

In the sky, Supergirl was using her laser heat vision on the Lexosuit, but it's robotic hand was blocking it off. "Please keep trying. If I remember, the last time you did this, it caused you to bleed," Lillian said before suddenly, she was hit with multiple blasts.

It was Mon-El, once again, holding one of the drones, firing at her until she crashed to the ground. Crashing right by Iris and Guardian. The two stared at the unconscious psychotic woman oddly until they heard two people land behind them.

They turned around to find Supergirl and Mon-El. "Iris," Mon sternly muttered. "I thought you were outside. Away from the danger."

"Well, I'm not," Iris told him. "Last time I checked, I'm still apart of the team. And Guardian's."

But Supergirl could hear Lena coming in the distance.

"Lena is coming. You should leave," She told Iris.

"Yeah, Iris. Go," Mon said, not to be mean. He just wanted her safe.

She nodded before she handed Guardian Lena's recorder and took off out of the building. Moments later, Lena rushed in, but was surprised to see Mon-El. "Ms. Luthor, glad to see you're okay."

"Yeah, I could say the same about you," Lena said.

"Well, it looks like you got what you came for," Supergirl said before Guardian handed Lena her recorder and she smiled at him.

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