subject 9

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"When you lose someone you love, you gain an angel you know."

On Barry's first day back at work, he was very excited. He had woken up earlier than normal to make he and Kara breakfast before he got dressed for the day. Before he left the loft, he even made Kara some lunch and coffee hoping she'd have a great day. Not knowing once he got to his place of work, he would not.

Walking off the elevator into the CCPD precinct, a big smile was on Barry's face, and a coffee in hand. He began to greet his co-workers when he noticed they were all giving him looks. Odd looks, non-friendly looks. He even heard one of them say: What is he doing here?

He walked through the doors where all the desks were and found a detective, who was just passing by. "Addie, hey, what's going on?" He asked.

"I think you should talk to Cap," Addie told him.

"About what?" He asked.

"Just go see him, Allen," Addie said before she walked off.

"Okay," Barry muttered before heading into Captain Singh's office, where he found him sitting on his desk watching the news.

On the tv, it was Central City's new mayor, Mayor Van Buren. She was also known as someone who tried to run for Mayor in Star City a couple years ago but backed out at the last minute because of family problems.

"...tolerate the behavior that the previous administration-"

"Addie said you wanted to see," Barry said and Singh looked his way.

"Yeah, shut the door," Singh said and Barry did as he was told.

He was walked fully into the office and closed the door behind him before he looked back at the TV, watching the mayor talk with Singh.

"...I promise you we will root out all corruption at all levels and restore your faith in public servants. The name Van Buren is a name that has always stood for integrity. I may be the Mayor-"

Singh muted the TV before turning to Barry. "We've got a problem that I'm not sure how to fix."

"Alright," Barry said questionably.

"Some people don't think you should be back on the force," Singh said.

"Because of DeVoe?" Barry questioned.


"I was cleared of all charges. I didn't do anything. He's alive."

"I know, and he's been cooperating, coming in, answering questions," Singh said.

"So what's the problem?" Barry asked.

"Look," Singh began as he walked around his desk, "People nowadays will believe anything. Fake news, social media. Allegations are treated as facts. But DeVoe being alive? Showing up in the courtroom at your appeal hearing? Some people in Central City don't buy it's actually him."

"Well, who do they think it was?" Barry asked.

"Who the hell knows. But we live in a city full of meta-humans with its occasion aliens. It's a conspiracy theorist's dream," Singh explained.

"So, what does this mean? Are you — Are you firing me?" Barry asked.

"Not firing. But I have been asked to request that you take a leave of absence," Singh said and Barry scoffed.

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