as the skyline splits in two

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Back at the rebel's hideout, everyone entered back in, where Myr'nn was waiting for everyone. But when he saw M'gann holding the Staff, he started smiling in joy. "You found it," Myr'nn said.

"Yes, and we stopped them," M'gann said before she looked back at J'onn, handing him the staff. "J'onn."

"H'ronmeer's staff, Father," J'onn said before handing the staff to his father.

"It's one thing to dedicate your life to God, it's another thing to see God's grace in person," Myr'nn happily said before handing it back to J'onn, and he walked off to congratulate the other Martians.

"So what happens to it now?" N'keyy asked.

"I suppose that's up to them," Till'all said, looking back at J'onn and Supergirl.

"Up to us?" Supergirl asked.

"I saw what the staff did back there. It's too powerful of a weapon for either side to have. Take it to Earth. Bury it. If we're gonna win this planet, we have to be better than our enemies," Till'all explained and J'onn smiled.

"I underestimated you," he said.

"And I you," Till'all said before he and N'keyy walked away towards the other Whites.

"I don't suppose that I can persuade you to come back to Earth," J'onn said to M'gann.

"My fight is here. The war is far from over. But we've come closer to victory than ever before, thanks to you," M'gann said before the two hugged. "I'll see you soon."

"I hope that's true," J'onn said, then their hug broke, and M'gann walked back over to the Whites.

"So, what about your father?" Supergirl asked and J'onn looked at his father, talking with the others.

Earth, National City

The next day, at Pacific Central, Maggie sat on one of the benches waiting for Mr. Rodas to appear to get back to the airport. But when he did walk up to her, he froze. "What are you doing here?" He asked as Maggie stood up, and faced him.

"Came to give you that back," Maggie said, handing him the picture of when she was a little girl. "That little desperate to win her father's love —— you left her on the side of the road. And all these years, I've been that little girl. Yearning for my Papa to come back for me. Praying that one day, he would see me and love me for who I am." She heavily breathed, trying to not break down in tears in front of the man who didn't care. "Thank you for coming to the shower. You gave me an amazing gift. You showed me that I am not that scared, little girl anymore. I'm an adult woman, and I am happy in my own skin. And I am so fortunate that I am surrounded by people who value and cherish me. I finally understand that I don't need you to see me or to get me or to even like me. I don't need anything from you. I'm already good." She took one last breath as Mr. Rodas just stared at her. "Goodbye, Papa." She then walked away from him.

Alex's Apartment

"You're all the family I need," Maggie told Alex as they sat on her couch. She then kissed Alex as she stared in awe.

"I'm happy for you. And I am glad that you're getting closure. It's good for you. And who knows? It might make you feel differently about things," Alex said.

"Do you mean kids?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah," Alex said with a smile.

"Sweetie, my not wanting kids has nothing to do with my parents or my childhood. My feelings for you are deeper than anything I've ever known. I can picture our life together. And it's full and rich and...amazing. But there aren't kids in that picture. You're all that I need, Alex. I guess you gotta let me know if you feel the same way," Maggie explained.

"I do. Of course I do," Alex said with a small smile.

Car Garage

After landing back into the car garage, Supergirl and J'onn got out of the car, then opened up the hood, to reveal Myr'nn in the backseat, looking around him in awe. "Thank you, son," he said and J'onn smiled.


As they walked around a bit, Myr'nn continued to stare everywhere. "So, this is Earth," he said.

"This isn't even the nice part," Supergirl said.

"I don't know, I rather like it," Myr'nn said, and J'onn smiled before looking back at the blonde.

"You know, I'm not sure I could have done this without you," he said.

"Yes, you could have. You're the strongest man and Martian I've ever known, and I was glad I could be there to help you anyway," Supergirl said.

"I'll see you tomorrow," J'onn said.

"You got it, boss," Supergirl said, then Myr'nn looked back at the two. "Welcome to Earth, Mr. J'onzz, you raised a good one."

She then jumped up and flew off as Myr'nn stared at her taken back. "Can everyone on this planet do that?" He asked.

"No. She's special," J'onn said as the two started to walk away.

"So, what do we do now?" Myr'nn asked.

"We go home, Father. We go home," J'onn said.

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