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That night, Barry was up in his lab again, at the bulletin board when suddenly he heard footsteps coming his way. Kara's.

Right as she walked in with a bag of to go belly burger, Barry took all his stuff off of the bulletin board and speed over to his desk. "Anybody home?"

But Kara was taken back to see Barry so very awkwardly putting down flying papers, and clearing his throat many times. "Hey, what's up, baby?" Barry asked, but Kara gave him a look while she set down the to go back.

"Hey, baby," Kara mimicked. "I heard you were having a bad day."

"What? No, I'm fine. I'm great, actually. How are you doing?" Barry asked. But Kara very slowly glanced over to the bulletin board and Barry started to panic. He panicked even more when she walked up to it, "What? What are you-" and pulled down the slide, which pulled it up to reveal...bunch of pictures and articles of Clifford and Marlize. Clearly Barry was doing some deep research. Barry's lips frowned as Kara walked back to where she was before, and with almost no emotions on her face, pointed at the board.

"Okay, don't be mad," Barry said as he got up.

"Your testing it," Kara said.

"His wife, Kara, she's helping him," Barry said and Kara placed her hand on her hip.

"Barry, what?" She asked.

"No, listen!" He exclaimed before he walked over the board. "Okay look, she's not Suzy Homemaker with her perfect mac n cheese. She is Stepford wife. She's got two doctorates, you know? One in mechanical engineering and another in advanced robotics. That's how they work! He comes up with the plans, but she executes them. She's some kind of mechanical genius."

"So, this what I got from this...instead of helping your wife to be with your wedding, you're doing research up here, thinking that DeVoe and his wife are supervillains?" Kara asked and Barry slowly nodded.

"Yes," he said.

"Barry!" Kara exclaimed. "Come on, listen to your words."

"What?" Barry asked.

"DeVoe has already filed a complaint against you!" Kara exclaimed.

"I know, I-"

"Barry...Cisco, Harry, Joe, Caitlin...they are the best, and they have found nothing on DeVoe," Kara sternly said to him as she walked up to him.

"If you just talk to Mon, you will know I'm not the only one-"

"Barry!" Kara whined, almost wanting to pull the hair out from her scalp, that's how much he was driving her crazy. "We are getting married in a week, Barry, please. For the sake of your job and my sanity, please please please let it go." He sighed before taking her hands, and nodded. But all of it was still in the back of his head.


Later that night, Barry decided to give up his suspicious tendencies and go to STAR Labs and focus on the bus metas. But as he was looking at the board, he heard a buzzing behind him. He looked back at the computers where his phone was and thought Kara might have texted him.

Wedding plans...

But when he picked up his phone, there wasn't anything there. No text, no call, it was just blank. He stared at his phone confused until he heard the buzz again. It came from Cisco's small little desk with a bunch of his things. He walked over to it, trying to find where the buzz was coming from.

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