kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

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Arriving at Baldwin Tower, Kara skidded to a stop before the building while Barry clumsily landed next to her. "We're here," Kara said into comms as the both of them saw the huge fire up on the building, "Oh, boy."

"Okay, Kara, Barry, there are five people trapped on the 14th floor. Just get them out of there as fast as you can."

And just like that, Kara zoomed into the building, up the stairs and into the floor where it was completely heating up. And one by one, a citizen was zoomed out until it was all just the fire on the floor. "Done," Kara said before she turned to Barry, "Now we have to put the fire out."

She grabbed Barry and they zoomed into the building, and inside the over heating floor. The two walked around the floor, trying to avoid the flames, the flames hurting Kara if she came close to her. "Okay," she nervously breathed, "What do I do?"

"You know what to do," Barry told her, though she looked at him nervously, "Use your arms. Create wind funnels. Suck all the oxygen out of the room."

"And the fire will go out," Kara muttered, "Just like he's done a thousand times," she then caught Barry's eyes again, "And you'll use the freeze breath," and he nodded.

"You got this, girl."

The two turned towards the fire and Kara reached out both of her arms. She began to spin them around while Barry breathed out, letting the freeze breath blow out.

But instead of taking the fire out, it just spread more, "It's making it worse," Kara said.

"Just go the opposite direction, okay?" Barry told her, after he stopped using his freeze breath. Kara stopped and spun her arms the other way, but instead of it helping, a part of the ceiling dropped on her. She screamed out in pain as felt the concrete on one of her legs, and when she tried to push it off of her — well, she wasn't strong enough anymore. "Kara?"

Barry bent down next to her, and she looked up at him, debris covering her face as tears formed in her eyes from the pain, "My leg is pinned. I can't move." "Okay," he muttered before he placed his hands underneath the piece of concrete on top of her, and pushed it off of her.

Kara breathed a bit easier, but her leg — it was broken. She couldn't move. "Take the fire out," Kara told Barry when he tried to help her up.

He turned towards the fire and harshly used his freeze breath, which took the fire completely out, but it wasn't going to enough for that level.

"The integrity of the room is failing. The ceiling's gonna collapse!"

Barry hurriedly got to Kara, picking her up, holding her up bridal style when a blue breach opened up. Barry jumped through it, knowing it was Cisco, with Kara in his arms.

They landed in the cortex of STAR Labs, and with breathable hair filling her lungs, Kara started coughing out the smoke. Barry held her close to his chest while everyone looked at them relieved. "Thank you," Barry muttered to Cisco, who nodded.


The next morning, Kara sat in the med bay with Barry behind her, with Iris, Mon-El, Ralph, Cisco, Harry and Caitlin, who held out Kara's x-rays. "There's still a little bit of irritation in your lungs from all the smoke you inhaled last night, but you should be good to go soon. And your leg's already healed," Caitlin told Kara.

"Shouldn't have let her go out there," Ralph said, which Kara and Barry looked at him oddly.

"I'm sorry, let?" Kara questioned, "Barry is not in charge of me."

"You weren't ready," Ralph said.

"Oh, and Barry was? Because he suddenly has Superman's powers?" Kara questioned.

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