miles away from seeing you

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"Winn," Kara said as she walked into the lab at the DEO. "I need you to run a scan on a BetaHedron signature."

But Winn looked back at her confused. "What's that?" He asked. "A Beta- what?"

"It's like the Omegahedron that powered Fort Rozz, only smaller," Kara said.

"Oh, that makes sense," Winn said before he got up with his tablet.

"So, on Krypton, we used BetaHedrons to power probes that scientists would send out into space that can contain Kryptonian artifacts like this one, embedded with information like our history, religion, so other worlds would learn our culture," Kara explained as the two headed out of the lab and down the stairs.

"Oh, yeah. On Earth, we had that too. The Voyager probe," Winn said.

"Well, the Kryptonian probe must've landed on Earth and this obelisk was in it. And Coville had it," Kara said.

"Okay. So, you're saying that Coville has an unlimited power supply, with absolutely no idea what it's capable of?" Winn asked.

"Yeah," Kara said.

"Right. Okay," Winn said before he looked back at his tablet. "Oh, hey! I found it. Look at that." He then pulled up what he found onto the screens as he, Kara and then Alex walked up to them. "Whoa, guys, this is bad."

"It's degrading. If someone doesn't stabilize that, that's gonna breach. That's gonna be enough to take out an entire city block," Alex said.

"He knows what it's capable of. He was willing to burn down a building for one recruit. Imagine how many recruits he'd get with a bomb. I'm going to the Community Center to find him," Kara said before she started to walk away.

"Kara?" Winn asked and Kara looked back at him. "The BetaHedron's not there."

"Then where is it?" Kara asked.

Skies of National City

Zooming through the air, Supergirl headed towards the National City Stadium, where a hokey game was in place. "I'm almost to the stadium. You're sure that is where it is?" She asked into comms.

"Yes. And I checked attendance. The stadium is at full capacity. That is fifteen-thousand people."

"Alex, you have ten minutes before the BetaHedron breaches. You need to get everybody out of that stadium right now."

National City Stadium

Supergirl flew into the basement of the stadium, to see Coville and his followers praying before the BetaHedron. "Coville," Supergirl said and Coville opened his eyes.

"Our prayers have been answered," he said before getting up while Supergirl landed on her feet.

"Whatever you did to the BetaHedron, to the have to stop it now!" She commanded.

"Don't you see the beauty? The same vessel that delivered Rao's word to Earth has now become an instrument for destruction. To give you the chance to deliver thousands to our ranks? A test to reaffirm to yourself what Rao sees in you," Coville told her.

"But Rao is peaceful. Rao would never ask his followers to endanger other people. What you're doing is an insult to Him," Supergirl said sternly.

"What we're doing is in service of Him. And in service of you," Coville said but Supergirl scoffed before she started to walk up to the BetaHedron.

"Winn, you're going to have to tell me how to shut it down-" she started but then froze as a wave of pain washed over her. She gasped before falling down to the ground while green veins covered her body. Olivia, who was nearby, gasped, and looked down at her.

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