of two minds

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"Some people survive chaos and that is how they grow. And some people thrive in chaos, because chaos is all they know."

As soon as Iris and Mon-El came back from flying that day, they gathered around in the Med Bay with Supergirl, Alex, J'onn — and Imra. In a caged up containment on a table, was a dead pigeon, all eyed on Alex who examined it. "Well, that was a very sick creature. And what's odd is that I can't find a virus or infection of any kind," Alex told them.

"Well, something must have done that," Supergirl said.

"The Blight," Imra sternly said and they all looked at her.

"We went through this on Winath. The Blight is preceded by mass wildlife death and plant life, crops rotting in the Earth," Mon explained.

"Soon, it will manifest in people," Imra added.

"It's a short incubation period. It's one-hundred perfect fatal and extremely contagious," Mon continued.

"Based on my tests, whatever this bird had, it wasn't transmittable. Not even from bird to bird. So it had to have come in contact with Pestilence herself," Alex said.

"It might not be contagious yet, but if Pestilence gets stronger, even half the strength of the Blight, the entire city would fall ill in a matter of days," Imra warned them.

"We won't let her get stronger," Supergirl assured.

"Now remember, the cure is written in our DNA. With Brainy's help, we'll be able to extract it, weaponize it, and use it to kill Pestilence before she ever becomes the Blight," Imra said before she turned to leave but Supergirl and Iris stared at her shocked.

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa," Supergirl intervened, causing Imra to look back at her, "We're not killing anyone. We got too aggressive with Purity, and that's when things got worse. I'm not making the same mistake twice. There is a human side to Pestilence. We're gonna find her, and we're going to save her."

"We came here to end the threat to our time. And that means ending her life in this time," Imra explained to her.

"It's just not how we operate," Supergirl said and Imra gave her a look.

"Well, according to our file on you and your husband, that isn't true," she said and both Supergirl and Iris looked at her, tensed up, "You both have killed before, and-"

"Hey!" Iris cut in, a stern look in her eyes before stepping up in front of Supergirl, eyeing Imra down, "You don't get to throw that in her face. You weren't there, I don't care what your file said," and Imra tried to say something more but Iris continued on, "Supergirl killed Savitar because he tried to kill me, our friends, and was going to kill her back-then fiancé, and Barry killed Astra because she was going to kill J'onn. You don't know what it was like, it was hard times, and they both have deep guilt for it. So don't ever throw that in their faces, I don't care who you are. We don't kill."

"You think I want this? I don't kill either, Iris, but these are extreme circumstances, just like how it was for Supergirl and her husband," Imra told her.

Right then, a man with dark hair, olive skin and brown eyes, a man Iris, Supergirl, Alex nor J'onn recognized walked in, causing Alex and J'onn to pull their guns on him. "Hey, stop right there," Alex ordered and the man froze in place.

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa," Mon said, stopping the two from shooting, "Guys, it's Brainy."

"Oh, of course. I'm wearing a personal image inducer," Brainy said before he tapped his forehead, and he transformed into his blue skin and white hair alien self, "I had to purchase some apple cider vinegar, and I nearly caused a riot at the Piggly Wiggly," he then pressed his forehead again, his image inducer making him look human again.

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