mixed signals

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"Relationships don't last because of the good times. They last because the hard times were handled with love and care."
- Anmol Andore

♪ Just take those old records off the shelf ♪

♪ I'll sit and listen to them by myself ♪

♪ Today's music ain't got the same soul I like that old-time rock and roll ♪

♪ Don't try to take me to a disco ♪

♪ You'll never even get me out on the floor In ten minutes ♪

♪ I'll be late for the door I like that old-time rock and roll

♪ Still like that old-time rock and roll ♪

After making himself a big breakfast, Barry sat down on his couch as he watched tv, but it was going all fast. "What? Whoa," Barry said before he laughed. "No!" He then looked confused. "Huh?" 


He turned to see a very tired Kara, in her pajamas still, walking over to him from upstairs. "Hey," Barry said before he scooted over for her to sit. 

"Hi, you're up early," Kara said before she sat next to him. "Doing what, exactly?" 

"Uh, I'm just catching up on all the TV I missed while I was stuck in the Speed Force," Barry explained before Kara looked at the tv, fully able to understand the fast-going screens in front of them. "When you've been gone seven months, the world is a minefield of spoilers. But Cisco hooked me up with the one-thousand-times sped-up version of my favorite shows." He then pouted a little. "Aw, Jon Snow died." He then smiled. "Oh, he's alive!" But he looked confused again. "Huh." 

"And here I was thinking you'd need a jump start for your loopy brian," Kara said before looking at him. 

"Nope. Brain good. All of me is good," Barry said and she smiled before kissing him. But then his phone started buzzing so he pulled it out. "Mmm. Joe needs me. Crime scene," he said before getting up. 

"Oh, that's okay. I should probably get started on our neglected wedding plans. It's gonna take me forever to get through this binder, so I invited Iris," Kara explained while opening a binder. "Even though I did neglect to tell her you were back. I don't know why she agreed to come over." 

"Oh, no. Don't worry about it," Barry said and Kara looked at him. "I'm done with it." 

"You're done with it?" She asked and he nodded. "I'm sorry...what?" 

"Yeah. I locked in a caterer, I got you your favorite flowers, I put a deposit on a venue with an amazing view, I got that seven-tier double chocolate cake," Barry explained but Kara just stared at him. For a very uncomfortable long time, before she let out a small laugh. 

"Well...I guess you've got everything covered," Kara said before she threw the binder to the side. 

"Yep. So my lovely fiancée can remain stress-free," Barry said before he headed for the door. "Save me a bear claw?" 

"Uh- no. You didn't save some breakfast, so no bear claw, speedster," Kara said before she stuffed the sweet in her mouth. Barry rolled his eyes before he smiled, then grabbed his keys and opened the door. Just for Iris to be on the other side, about to knock. Lord was Iris not expecting her missing brother to be on the other side. 

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