evil doppelgängers

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When Supergirl and The Flash arrived at Dayton Optical Systems that night, Supergirl harshly landing in the parking lot and Flash zooming up, a couple feet away, they looked at each other. They were just waiting on one more person. Someone who doesn't have super speed.

The Green Arrow rode up to them, while on his motorcycle as Supergirl casually whistled, trying to pass the time. When he finally parked his ride in between the two, he leaped off, huffing to himself. "Just a quick reminder, super speed — I don't have it." "Noted," Supergirl muttered before they all began to walk towards the building. "So, what do we know about this place? Why are the Earth-Xers targeting it?" Flash asked.

"Because..." The three heroes suddenly stopped in place when three Earth-Xers approached them. One, the woman from the church, the dark archer from the church, and a man in a yellow-black speedster suit. Overgirl, Dark Arrow, and Reverse Flash. "They had something we need." Reverse Flash placed something down on the ground, a protected cube with a dark prism inside.

"Whatever you stole-"

"We're gonna want it back," Flash said.

"Your confidence is predictable. You've faced some of the greatest evils known to man, and you've defeated them, but if you think so highly of yourselves that you can defeat any threat that comes your way..." One by one, Overgirl, Dark Arrow and Reverse Flash revealed themselves as Kara Danvers-X, Oliver Queen-X, and Eobard Thawne-Harrison Wells version. The heroes stared at the three shockingly, not expecting, but it all starting to make sense why they could defeat them so easily. "How do you feel about us?"

"This is sick," Arrow said.

"Do you mean looking at your reflection and seeing only weakness?" Oliver-X asked. "I agree."

"Thawne?" Flash questioned.

"Direct from Earth-1," Thawne said, before gesturing to his face. "Do you like my face?"

"It's the face you were wearing when I became the Flash," Flash said and Thawne smirked. "The face you wore when you tried to put a wedge between me and Kara. Having me lie to her for a year."

"Guess that didn't work. Heard you got married. Well, almost anyway," Thawne said and Flash glared at him. "I thought I'd put the face back on again. You know, for old time's sake. Plus, handsome."

"We watched you die," Flash said.

"Or did you?" Thawne asked and Flash stared at him confused. "It's time travel, Barry. So very confusing. I always seem to be saying that to you, don't I?"

"Tommy killed himself," Arrow said to his doppelgänger.

"I heard your Tommy died years ago. That's what this earth does. It makes people soft," Oliver-X said.

"We've been watching you," Overgirl said, eyeing Supergirl. "We've been watching all of you and how you've squandered the potential of two worlds." Supergirl tensed up, knowing she was referring to Earth-1 and Earth-4. "On our earth, we've developed a meritocracy. We've accomplished greatness."

"You're perverse," Supergirl sternly said.

"No, Kara, you're the perversion. The most powerful being on the planet rendered weak by saccharine Americana?" Overgirl asked before chuckling as Supergirl continued to eye her. "My pod was blessed to crash in the Fatherland."

"Then go back there," Flash said, sending dirty looks to his evil doppelgänger girlfriend. He couldn't help but be reminded of when Kara was under red kryptonite.

"This is not your earth. Leave," Arrow sternly said.

"I don't answer to the likes of you. My allegiance is to the Fatherland," Oliver-X said before he slowly looked at Overgirl. "And to my wife."

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