when my hands don't play the strings the same way

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"I am never leaving you again..."

"I'm fine, Barry, okay? I mean it."

"I do too..."

Alex slowly came to, fluttering her eyes to her surroundings and the sounds. The people talking...Kara...Barry—

She looked over next to her to find Supergirl laying in the med bed next to her, with Barry sitting next to her, their hands interlocked, this being the first time they'd seen each other in days. Once he heard the news about Kara, he rushed over from the STAR Labs, worry and guilt shredding him for leaving her to deal with the Worldkillers without him.

But...Kara...she was, "Oh, my God," Alex muttered, sitting up in the bed, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm just fine. Just a little weak," Supergirl assured her sister, "Are you okay?"

"I'm alive," Alex said and Supergirl smiled at her.

Then J'onn walked in, "Hey, nice to see you both up. You had us a little worried there," J'onn said.

"Wait a minute, where's Winn?" Alex asked.

"Against my better judgment, he's back at work," J'onn said.

"Ugh, what a suck-up," Alex complained and they all smiled.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you healthy again," Supergirl said, getting up off her bed and hugging Alex.

"Did we get her?" Alex asked once the hug broke.

"Not yet," Supergirl said.

"But, we'll keep trying," J'onn said.

"Barry and I'll be downstairs," Supergirl said and Barry perked up, still sitting by her bed.

"We are?" He questioned, standing as she began to walk out.

"You're the one who said you're never going to leave me again," she said as he followed after her.

"I was trying to be romantic, Kara!" He said as J'onn and Alex watched them go.

J'onn then looked down at Alex while she stared up at him with her puppy dog eyes. "You know, maybe I'm being a little selfish, but, um...I couldn't imagine getting through the next few months without you. Dealing with my father and all of the unexpected things to come," J'onn said.

"I would never let you go through that alone," Alex said before she shuddered, "It's been a big year," he then hugged her and she closed her eyes, hugging him back.

Meanwhile, Imra was out on the balcony alone, staring at the skies, almost crying when she was approached by someone. She looked over to find it was Iris. "We were so close," she muttered.

"We couldn't have known Purity would show up. Or that she would make her stronger," Iris said and Imra frowned, "You said we would fail...I should've believed you."

"No, don't say that," Imra said, looking at Iris again, "I never came here to make anyone doubt who you are or what you believe. I was wrong to try to make you change," and Iris softly smiled at her, "Um, Iris...I never told you what I saw on Fort Rozz, when Psi got into my head," and Iris eyed her curiously, "It was my sister."

"I didn't know you had-"

"I don't...not anymore. Because of the Blight. Her name was Preya," Imra told her.

"I'm sorry," Iris softly said.

"She was quiet, and stuck to herself. But she always had my back. Then, one day...she was gone," Imra shortly explained and Iris gave her a sympathetic look, "I saw Kara with Alex today, holding her sister's hand while she fought the same disease my sister did. If I had just killed Pestilence, the Blight never would have happened. Preya would still be alive."

"You know, I have a sister too," Iris said, before awkwardly smiling, "She's not technically born yet, but I have one. I also have a little brother...and if something happened to him, I...I'd probably lose my mind," she and Imra got locked eyes, "I would want vengeance, too."

"You wouldn't have done the same thing. That's what makes you who you are. You're kind, and you stick by your morals," Imra told her.

"We'll stop the Blight," Iris said, taking a step towards her, "We're gonna save your sister. Together," and Imra smiled at her.

The two then headed over towards the circular table where they found Mon-El, Supergirl and Barry. Plus Winn and Brainy, who were behind a computers. "Winn," Iris said and he looked back at her to find a smile, "Welcome back."

"Ah, against all odds," Winn said.

"Where are we with the Worldkillers?" Supergirl asked.

"So, last time you fought Purity we managed to identify the frequency of the waves that she emits," Winn explained.

"We put a tracker on that specific frequency which should alert us when it's present in-"

A beeping noise went off and Brainy stood up, alarmed, "...the city," he continued.

"Already?" J'onn asked.

"She's on the move," Winn said as he started typing away behind his computer.

"Hopefully with Pestilence," Mon said as Supergirl and Barry stepped towards the screens together.

"Where is she heading?" J'onn asked.

"Towards L-Corp," Winn muttered and Supergirl looked back at Iris, the both of them showcasing a look of panic.



Down in what seemed to be a secret lab, Lena stood behind some computers, figuring something out. "Sam...Sam, I think I found something," She then turned around to face a large containment with hospital machines, a hospital bed, counters screens — and Sam Arias sitting in the bed, looking down at her hands, "Sam?"

Almost creepy like, Sam looked ahead of her, "They're coming," she whispered.

Lena stared at her confused until suddenly, Supergirl, The Flash, Mon-El and Imra were all next to her, by the help of J'onn's phasing. Supergirl then quickly turned to Lena as everyone else looked around confused, "Lena. Lena, the Worldkillers are coming. We have to get you somewhere..." her words trailed off as she looked around as well, seeing everything, "...safe."

Confused, Supergirl approached the compartment where Sam was, seeing her still stare creepily — like she wasn't all there. She reached her hand towards the compartment but a force field zapped her, striking her confusion higher, "What is this?"

"I was going to tell you," Lena said and Supergirl looked back at her.

"Tell me what?" She asked as Sam suddenly got up off the bed.

"About me," she said and everyone looked back at her.

"Sam?" Supergirl questioned.

But as soon as Sam stood, Lena pulled out her tablet, pressing a few buttons, and Sam dropped to the ground, groaning in pain. The Flash stepped up next to Supergirl, noticing something on her chest, the area where the pain was coming from. "Is...Is that Kryptonite?" He questioned.

Lena tensed up, but before any answers were questions, the doors to the lab were blasted down. Supergirl and The Flash were able to hold themselves as everyone else got thrown to the ground. Purity and Pestilence walked through the doors, coming for Sam. But why?

Pestilence zoomed over to Sam as Purity flew up into the air. Supergirl and The Flash tried to zoom over to Sam to help her from the Worldkiller but they were thrown back by Purity's scream from above.

Pestilence pulled the Kryptonite patch off from Sam's chest as J'onn approached the Worldkillers. But suddenly, he was blasted by red laser heat vision — coming out from Sam's eyes. He thrown back as Mon-El slowly made his way over to his wife while The Flash and his wife looked up, seeing the scene before them.

They quickly got up, facing the Worldkillers as Lena watched from the ground in horror. And once Sam's eyes glowed red, it came together.

Sam Arias was Reign.

"Finally," she muttered before they floated up into the air, staring down at the heroes, "El-may-arah," and they zoomed off leaving the heroes in a confused mess.

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