right where we are

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At the Wiggins Game Company factory, Supergirl, The Flash, Mon-El, Iris, Winn and James all walked through the dark building, trying to find Mary, not sure where to look. "Any ideas?" James asked.

"She was in that claw apparatus, suspended from above," Winn said.

"We'll find her," Supergirl assured.

But they all suddenly turned around when they heard a loud buzzing noise coming right for them. They turned around to find a toy plane flying through the air. "What is that?" Iris asked.

"It's a plane," James said but Winn's eyes widened.

"No, it's not, it's a bomb," he said before he, Iris, James, and The Flash dropped to the ground while Supergirl and Mon-El covered them from the blast.

Once they quickly recovered from the blast, they saw that many more bomb planes were heading their way. "Go find Mary," Supergirl ordered, stepping towards the planes.

Mon-El and The Flash stayed behind with her as Iris, James and Winn quickly got up, running off to find Mary. Supergirl used her laser heat vision to destroy the planes, The Flash threw lightning at them, and Mon-El smashed them to pieces with a nearby bat he picked up.


Meanwhile, Iris and the boys run through the twist and turns of the factory, trying to find Winn's mom while also trying to escape any dangerous toys.

"Welcome, Welcome to the Willard Walter Wiggins Game Company."

Suddenly, a tiny military truck began zooming after them, blasting fire, making them run even faster. "Woah— We got a thing on our...twelve," Winn said.

"That's our six!" James said.

"I'm very stressed right now!" Winn snapped before Iris screamed when the truck started shooting at them, "Literal Hot Wheels!"


Once, Supergirl, The Flash and Mon-El destroyed the planes, the inter com came back on:

"So glad Junior brought his friends."

Supergirl looked in the distance, narrowing her eyes, "There she is," she said before she ran off.

"Kara!" Flash muttered before following her, Mon-El right behind them.

Supergirl ran into another room, where it was filled with gadgets, but no one was there. The girl continued to walk through the room, trying to figure out where the woman was.

"Heat vision, freeze breath, and so many points of articulation? I think I'll keep you."

Suddenly, Supergirl was frozen. A machine had placed a plastic container shaped in her model around her — but there were no air holes for her to breathe through. She began to suffocate inside so she used her laser heat vision to get herself out, but nothing worked.

"It's so rare to find a vintage superhero in mint condition."

Right then, The Flash and Mon-El ran into the room, finding Supergirl in her condition — which they both panicked. "Supergirl," Flash muttered before he zoomed over to her. He saw her breath fogging up on the container, seeing it becoming harder for her to breathe.

Mon-El began to run over to help as well when suddenly he was knocked to the ground. The Flash heard him thud down so he poked his head out to see what was happening to find — a large T-Rex coming after Mon-El.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now