will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?

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The four of them slowly got up from the ground, screaming civilians surrounding them. Purity, she had an anger look in her eyes, like she had the devil in her. She screamed out, right at a cement pillar, which began to break into pieces. Civilians ran out of the way while Mon-El and J'onn zoomed up to it.

Supergirl then turned towards Alex with a panicked look. "Alex," she said.

"On it," Alex said before she ran off.

Supergirl then faced Purity, a glare in her eyes. She then used her laser heat vision on the Worldkiller who dodged it. The two then began a fist fight while Alex started to help people evacuate.

"Everybody, out," she then helped someone off the ground. "Hey. It's all right. Get up. Up, up, up," she then faced everyone else. "Everybody, get out! Out! Go!"

Mon and J'onn were straining to keep the pillar down, but seeing all the civilians in trouble, Iris's voice stung in Mon's head to help them. "We've got to get these people out of here," Mon said.

"Go. I've got this," J'onn said.

"You sure?" Mon asked.

"Yes. Go!" J'onn ordered and Mon zoomed off to help civilians.

Right then, stupidly in Mon's attention, Iris had ran into the station, seeing all the commotion from her systems. She helped civilians up from the ground and helping them escape, clearly not caring that she was in the middle of the attack. She had to help them. "Come on, come on. You're okay, let's go. Get out of here," she told them.

Meanwhile, Purity punched at Supergirl, who caught the attack and then punched Purity in the chest. She grunted back before Supergirl punched her in the face. She tried to punch her again but Purity blocked it and punched her back. In the face as well.

Supergirl stumbled back when Purity punched her again. Supergirl spun around and tried to hit her again, but Purity blocked it. She pulled Supergirl down and kneed her in the stomach. She then pulled her down, jumped up and slammed her down on the ground, causing Supergirl to cry out.

Hearing her painful cry, Iris looked her way, panic filling her eyes while her heart completely froze. "Kara!" Iris yelled out, almost screaming like Supergirl did.

And it was like he heard her worry because Iris watched as Mon-El zoomed up to Supergirl and Purity. Iris flinched as Purity shoved Supergirl's face into the ground. "Purity!" Mon yelled before he jumped up, and landed a punch in Purity's face. She backed up before Mon punched her again, swinging her around.

But when she faced him again, she punched him, which stumbled him back. She then coursed so much power into another punch right into his stomach, which sent him flying across the room, landing against a newspaper stand.

When he crashed into it, and landed face first into the ground, sparks flew off. But to Iris, all of this happened in slow motion, all it crushing her heart into tiny bitty pieces. "Mon-El!" She screamed.

She ran over to him, jumping over anything that was in her way, her legs pulling herself right back to him. When she got to him, he was groaning in pain, barely able to move. "Mon-El," she muttered, dropping to her knees next to him. She pulled him up, over her knees, and he gasped wearily.

He stared up at her oddly and nervously, his breath almost stopping while she was panting, sweating developing over her forehead, while their eyes locked. "Iris," he whispered, reaching up, placing his hand over her cheek. "What are you doing here?"

"You were in trouble," Iris told him.

"You're in idiot," he muttered, but she took that as a compliment.

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