and I know these scars will bleed

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"Oh, damn," Cisco muttered, standing in the cortex of STAR Labs, with Caitlin and Harry, seeing and hearing everything. "We need to cool him down." He and Harry then looked at Caitlin.

"Killer Frost," Harry said. "Great," Caitlin said, dully.

"Well, go, turn!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Well, that's not how it works. I can't just snap my fingers and make her appear. It only happens when I'm scared or angry," Caitlin said.

"Oh, good Lord, Caitlin!"
"Oh, good Lord, Caitlin!"

"The city's about to explode!" Cisco yelled before he walked off to get her a leather jacket. "Everyone, everything you know and love, the birds, the trees, the fish, the puppies!" Harry then swirled her chair around and Cisco faced her. "The puppies are going down because you didn't want to-"

"Show up for work!"
"Show up for work!"

Suddenly, a terrified Caitlin's eyes glowed crystal blue. "Thanks," she then got up and put on the jacket.

"That was pretty good, yeah?" Cisco told Harry.

"That was pretty good. Now go already!" Harry snapped.

"Okay!" Cisco snapped back before he opened up a breath and he and Caitlin ran through it.

Prentice and Rawlins

They ran out of it as Vibe and Killer Frost, seeing the chaos surrounding them. "What's going on? Is this business or a social call?" But then the frosty woman saw Fallout glowing greener by the minute. "Business, I see." She then blasted him, completely freezing him in ice. She was satisfied with herself for a moment until Fallout easily broke out from it and blasted Killer Frost through a glass bus stop.

Immediately, Supergirl zoomed up to her, to see she was unconscious as Vibe ran up to her. "She okay?" He asked as she used her x-ray vision to scan for injuries.

"She's gonna be okay," Supergirl answered as The Flash zoomed up to them as well. "Do you have any more ideas?"

"Where do I breach him?" Vibe asked into comms.

"Ramon, no, you — you drop a breach, he could explode."

"And Fallout's fallout could kill us all," Vibe realized.

"Do you think?"

"Wait," Flash said, an idea rushing through his eyes. "What if I create a vacuum around him? That way, even if he does explode, at least we contain the blast."

"Yeah, yes, Allen, yes. That — that could work, that could contain it. Whatever you're gonna do, though, do it fast. Fallout just went above 8,000 rads."

Supergirl stood as she watch The Flash zoomed at Fallout and run around him, despite the fact that he was getting burned, but the green energy was flowing into the air. "The vacuum's containing his energy."


"But he's still getting stronger," Flash said as Supergirl watched him in worry.

"Allen, I don't know how long you can take this much radiation."

"I don't have a choice. We have to contain his energy," Flash said.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now