A showcase with @ACSutliff author of: In My Head

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Winner from: pretty in punk awards in the teen fiction category

1st place

1 what inspired the idea of your story?

I was inspired to write this story because in college I had a few unexplained seizures, and so I created a couple characters with epilepsy. It turned out that I didn't have epilepsy, but I still empathize with people with epilepsy because of what I went through.

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

I was a pants-er when I first wrote this trilogy, a long long LONG time ago. I have since learned that plotting is the way to go for me, but I plot stories that leave options for me to change the story when inspiration strikes. But I had to rewrite parts of this trilogy because I didn't plot it out, and I had bouts of writer's block because I wrote myself into corners a couple times. Now, I don't suffer from writer's block ever, I only suffer from not having enough time to write. If you struggle with writer's block or frequent rewrites of your stories, I strongly suggest looking up the other writing styles. There's not just one way to plot a book, and you might find that you shouldn't be a pants-er either, just like me.

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

The thing I enjoyed most about this story was writing the dialogue. I have characters with lots of chemistry, and writing their witty banter was lots of fun!

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

I have only received a little feedback from this book. Of the 6.5 thousand views I've received, I've had lots of silent readers, some voters, and just a few leaving comments. But people have told me they've never been more invested in a set of characters, that they have never cried as much when reading a book before, and that they really wish I would post the rest of the story so they can finish it. (I'm getting to that last one, as soon as I can!) I also had the judge for the Pretty in Punk awards tell me that I leave lots of juicy nuggets in my book that just beg the reader to keep reading and find out more! Also, my judge said that I show rather than tell really well, and another judge said she would keep reading even though she was only supposed to read the first few chapters of the book.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ?

In My Head is the first in a trilogy about the unpredictability of life in epilepsy. There are sub genres of sports fiction (basketball) teen romance (love triangles and break up and new love) and of course, since it's teen fiction, coming of age. You can find the sequels and the rest of the first book (if you cannot wait for me to post it) on Amazon Kindle now.

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

Above all else, I'd like my readers to understand that those living with epilepsy have enough to deal with, and they shouldn't be bullied on top of everything else they are going through. Be nice, put yourself in the shoes of others, and don't judge people without walking in their shoes.

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

I already mentioned that pants-ing a novel might not be for you, but another bit of advice I have is that you should work on what you love a little bit every day, and put yourself out there. The more accolades you have as a writer, (such as winning a contest like the Pretty in Punk awards) the more you will find success in writing down the road. I'm this close to being able to get an agent for my next project because I have worked so hard.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

I already mentioned that my main character has epilepsy, and I thought I did too, back in college. We both know what it's like to wake up in an ambulance and not know what happened. But my main character loves to create art, and I'm a creative person too. I also relate to the antagonist of my book. Now that I'm a mother, like her, I can understand on a whole new level ...why someone would do what she does in the book. She's the overcontrolling mother villain archetype, but I can relate to her so much now that I have my own son.

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

I have been told that I write in a way that genuinely portrays teenagers and the thoughts they might have and the things they might do. This would certainly entice teenagers to read my book series because they can relate so well to my characters. I also have a very interesting medically driven plot situation, intriguing subplots, and amazing character development (according to my readers!) 

10 do you have any future projects?

I love this question! My future goals are to get more readers for my series by writing a book that encompasses the story from a minor character's point of view. Mirna is actually my favorite character, and the entire trilogy fits nicely into a single book when it's just from her point of view. So I'm planning to write that book very soon and enter the Wattys with it. My goal is to enter the Wattys in 2024 with Sapphire Eyes, the companion novel to In My Head.

 I am currently posting the sequel to my teen fantasy, The Code Keeper - Fragments of Alchemy, which shortlisted in the Wattys in 2021. The Code Breaker is from a new character's point of view and can stand on its own as a teen fantasy novel, where everything that happens in the first book is just backstory for the main character. Chadwick MacNamara is my favorite character, and I've never had more fun writing a book than when I wrote his story. I hope you will give my writing a chance! Thank you so much for reading my interview. I love to meet new readers and read their writing too, and summer is coming up, when I will have more time. PM me if you want to do a critique partnership with me!


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