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"Oh, didn't know you guys would be home just yet" Elias says with a bright smile as he walks inside

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"Oh, didn't know you guys would be home just yet" Elias says with a bright smile as he walks inside.

"Father" Alexander greets first. 

"Hello, Elias" I greet as well.

"Nice to see you again Briella. May I steal Alexander from you? I have some important stuff I would like to discuss with him about" Elias says, his smile long gone as he gives him a pointed look.

"Of course. He is all yours" I say grateful that I just dodged the bullet of continuing our previous discussion.

"I'll be taking a power nap. Haven't gotten much sleep last night" I said and they both nodded at me as I walked off. 

I quickly went to the bathroom that was located next to the living room and took off my makeup and accessories. I grabbed a pair of fresh clothes that looked to be Alexander's and changed into them.

Once I felt comfortable I left the bathroom and settled on the couch turning on the television. Hearing footsteps I look behind me and see Alexander and Elias walk off towards his office while discussing something that seemed to be very important.

I shrugged it off and just watched the show until I found myself feeling very dizzy. I let my body go and fell into darkness.


"Screw up child. What have you done!" He screamed as he roughly threw me off the table. 

"I-i was just trying to pour water Papa" Four year old me says in between sniffles. He says something under his breath before walking out of the room. 

This time, I grab a bottle of water and sit at the table while resting my head down. My sniffles stopped as I tried to think of a way to make Papa happy.

"BRIELLA, GO TO YOUR ROOM" Papa suddenly yelled. 

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't do any-" But before I could finish a slap resounded.

"I SAID GO TO YOUR ROOM" He screamed out and I got up and was about to run downstairs towards my room but stopped when I heard the noises of chattering. I opened the door and looked behind me to see three men in all black staring at me.

"¿Es el niño?" One of the men questioned. I understood the language to be Spanish but it wasn't like I could say I understood.

(Is that the child?)

"Sí, pero no sirve de nada. Usted vio" Papa replied with a cold tone with a hinge of disgust.

(Yes, but she is of no use. You saw)

"¿Cómo estás tan seguro?"  Another man questions.

(How are you so sure?)

"Crees que no lo he intentado. Sólo llora cuando pasa algo. Si Anna hubiera podido dar a luz a un niño todo esto no sería un problema" He says loudly. 

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