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"What did you want to drag me out for exactly?" Yeonjun questioned as he was left alone with Soobins dad. The two simply just strolled around an un popular block as they talked. "It's kinda random really, but you were talking about being an author and it made me recognize you." Seonmin spoke, though he was still stern and stood tall. But Yeonjun just assumed that was his true personality at this point. "Have you read my work?" He questioned, remembering the lines he quoted. "You wrote Opening Sequence?" Yeonjun eyes grew a large, he knew he took the lines from that book!

"Uh, yeah I did actually." He nervously chukled, scratching his chin with his first finger as he averted his eyes to anything besides the man. "That was actually my first published." He added with it.

"I didn't even recognize you, it's a small world we live in." He stated, his attitude felt more calming to be around suddenly.

"I'm surprised a man like you would enjoy a book such as that." He commented seeing as it was a tragic love story between two boys. Seonmin gave a half chuckle in agreement. He himself didn't think he was the type either. However upon reading his work he found something spark in him to change his ways. Maybe it was because the main character had struggles with his father just as him and Soobin do.

The story ended up speaking personally to him and he decided from that book alone he wanted to grow as a person so he could re build his relationship with Soobin. It was honestly Yeonjun that sparked inspiration in him. Now knowing that Soobins lover was the one that drew that out of him, he couldn't dislike the other as much as he thought he did.

A loud gasp was then heard, making Seonmin come out of his head and back to the scene he was in.

"A bird!!" Yeonjun yelled, running over to the poor thing that laid cold in the snow. "His wing is hurt.." he examined. Yeonjun knew he couldn't just leave it there and so he took his coat off, wrapping the bird in it to stay warm. Even if he himself would now be cold.

Seonmin watched the kid ran and help the defenseless animal. Even if he was childish and overly dramatic, he seemed to have a very sincere gentle nature to him. Perhaps this is what drew Soobin to him? He wondered as he watched the others quick actions. He didn't waste a second in helping something in need. Seonmin himself has always been the exact opposite of that, maybe he could learn something from this kid after all..


"Soobin, we're home!" Yeonjun called from the door way. "And I have a tiny surprise." He added with a chuckle. Soobin approached both him and his dad to see Yeonjun had something wrapped in his coat. "Yeonjun, why did you take you're jacket off? You have snow all over you you'll catch a cold." He got onto the other while brushing the snow off his head. "I know, but look!" He cheered, opening his jacket up to revile the injured bird. Soobin immediately face palmed upon the sight.

"I told him to leave it, but he wouldn't listen to me." Seonmin added as he walked past the two.

Yeonjun pouted and stuck his tongue out at the back of the elders head. "I couldn't just leave it, he wouldn't have died!" He explained, begging Soobin to understand. Soobin in return shrugged. "Hey, as long as you keep it at your place then I don't see a problem with it. Just go wash your hands." Yeonjun nodded excitedly. He put the baby in a cardboard box with a warm rag as a blanket and some food and water.

"Soobin, I think I'm gonna head home actually." He then called, putting his shoes back on. "You want to take care of that bird don't you?" He didn't even have to question as he already knew that's what he was leaving for. "Yep! Since you and your dad are so mean to her." He spoke with sass as he held the box carefully in his hand. Soobin chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Come back later okay." He told him. Yeonjun looked up, his smile entrancing the one who saw it. "Oh and Yeonjun." He called him back once more.

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