Hell Hits Hard (Update AND Definitions Drabble Challenge)

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Ok. I'm really, really bored. I don't know why I am, but it may have something to do with the only thing on my news feed being things about the Shipping Wars Adree brought back from the dead. Like as fun as it is- I WANT SHIT TO READ PEOPLE. XD I know things are busy as hell right now and soon things are going to be picking up. I know that soon I'm going to be buried in AP exams (expect almost nothing from me on the weeks of May 4-15) BECAUSE I LITERALLY HAVE SIX TESTS TO TAKE AND MY SOUL IS LEAVING MY BODY RIGHT NOW. One of them is like one of the first tests and then one of them is one of the very last tests with all the rest being scattered in between. High chance you'll catch me in a half-alive state for those weeks.

SO!!! I don't wanna leave all you guys with nothing, and I feel pretty bad for all the lack of activity lately- blame my terrible laptop crawling on its last legs of life. BUT HERE IS THE PLUS SIDE! I'm getting my new laptop on Monday! MONDAY PEOPLE THAT IS SO CLOSE AND YET SO FAR AWAY FIVE DAYS BEFORE MY BABY COMES INTO MY ARMS!~ I wish it came before the weekend because then I could be productive.

So, since I doubt I'll be able to do some hardcore writing through those weeks of exam hell even while my laptop sits on standby and mocks me, here's what I'm going to do starting Monday, or maybe Tuesday if time fucks me over. All those drabbles and one shots that I owe people, those will be going up. I'll probably do some editing on the old drabbles and get them posted to the new (and falsely named) drabble book I have called "A Drabble A Day Keeps the Feels Away" Any who, since the fandom has been so quiet, I wanna bring a little bit of life into it.

I'll be starting a small thing I like to call the Definition Challenge. Every day I'll be posting a small drabble or one-shot that centers on MY personal definition of a word. The title of the part will be the word itself, while the drabble/one-shot will SHOW what I that word means to me. A huge problem I see when I read fics in this fandom is that people don't know how to SHOW in their writing, which is important to any writer. This is an abstract writing concept to kinda force you into showing and not telling. Words that are used will be anything ranging from ideas like the idea of home, first love, true love, emotions, soul, heart, happiness, joy, anything you want- anything with a definition that can be argued and debated and personalized to each and every one of us. So where do y'all come in? Well.

1.       Try to put my definition of the term into words by commenting. Be specific as you can, because I know I will be adding multiple parts to it. At the end of the week I'll pick who got the closest to my definition of the word. For everyone who does manage to get my definition, then I'll be writing a little drabble for them, based on either a word of their choice or a character of their choice!

2.       You can totally join me on this little challenge/exercise and go at your own pace. Do your own drabbles based on words, you can do it daily or you can do it every now and again, I don't care. If you stop by, check out my drabble/one-shot for the day, and then tell me you wrote one, then I'll go check out your drabble/one-shot and give it a genuine critique on everything I like and don't like, areas that I felt were weak and areas that I felt were strong- that kinda stuff.

Why am I telling you this now? Well of course, feel free to go FUCK YEA I'M JOINING YOU IN THIS CHALLENGE. ANNNNNNNNDDDDD First FIVE commenters decide the bishies that'll be featured in the first five Definition Challenge drabbles! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! 

Unless you have any questions about anything, then feel free to ask.

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