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Alexander knight

Few years later.

I looked at my daughter again with joy, she taps me desperate for another taste of the yogurt which I take a small scoop and put in her mouth"Want more Tabitha?".I

"More, Dada". She nudges me. Her eyes on the huge frozen yogurt bowl. She loves the flavour fruity blast with apple sauce on it. I take another and put it in her mouth.

I used my hand to wipe the excess coming out from her mouth, she shakes her chair signing that she wanted more and she was not going to be patient about it.having her was hard but it was worth it all to see her.

The door opens as she glances at who was it and a smile crawls on her face" Serenity" she cooes, she stretches her arm to carried by her older sister which she gets.

"Hey Ansley, hi dad". Serenity says before she rubs her nose on her sister's nose. She and serenity were the best of friends.

"Serenity!". She cooes again when she drop her back on her high chair. Her eyes gets a bit teary and she stretches her arm out.

"Can I feed her in my room dad?". Serenity asked, she carries her and wipes her tears. I nod giving her the frozen yogurt.

I watch as she takes her sister upstairs, she has been the best older sister to her. I can say that I could leave my eight years old with her baby sister for a week without any fear that Ansley would get hurt, she cooks for Ansley,she can change her diaper

"Ansley, I'm home". My wife yells, a smile crawls on my face making me go hug her.

"Mama!". I hear both of them yell followed with some footsteps before they hug their mother and savanna carries Ansley.

"Hey beautiful, going commando. I see". I hear savanna teased. Ansley hates wearing her clothes and her diaper,We have to run to make her wear it until she's tired.

She giggles before she nods, she doesn't know what it means but she agrees with her mother afterwards"I'm making some spaghetti stir fry. Is that what you want?". My children nods before she lets Ansley go along with serenity back to her room.

"Won't you give me a proper hug?". She whine stretching her hands out waiting to get a proper hug but I kiss her instead.

"You taste like pineapple today". I said, she actually tasted super sweet today and yes I have that ability to taste what she had.

"Wait until later to know what I taste of". I hear her say before she winks going to the room as a smile crawls on my face.

"I'm going to bury you alive". Serenity say to her sister before she lay her on her belly and rises her hands up.

"Language". Savanna and I say, we have allowed them to watch tomuch WWE,they have started forming their own moves.

She pouts"But we are just playing".

"Yeah but saying you will bury her alive is not a good word". Savanna explains, I pass her the pepper before she kisses me for a small thank for being so helpful.

"Sorry mommy". Serenity says.

"Sorry mama". Ansley says.

Dinner was delicious as always, Serenity tucked Ansley in and I tucked her in then I went downstairs to meet savanna. I spun her around to face me before sitting her on the counter"So I'm ready to know how sweet you're".

"Yeah, hold on". She narrowed to me, she takes a pack of something from the fridge before sitting on the counter again"This is what I taste of". She shows me the frozen pineapple as I groaned.


"What? Were you expecting something else or did you_".

"No, I'm just wondering if it's sweet". I lie, I didn't want to make her feel bad or make her feel pressured to have sex with me.

After giving birth to Ansley, savanna was so obsessed with losing weight and she did started to feel insecure about her body. I mean if you have a body as hers then why on earth will you be scared to flaunt it.

She's healthier since she gained weight,the added fat made her look thicker. She didn't see it as what I saw it. She started to skip meals and some other unhealthy trait until she fainted from over exercising her self and she was admitted for some weeks. We talked and I helped her. I told her she didn't need to lose any weight and she got it but I helped her to lose it unknown to her. I would give her fruits or stop her from having chocolate but she didn't know that I allowed her to lose that weight but it was just little.

"Awnn, you're so sweet but to the bedroom to taste how really sweet I'm". She cheers before she points upstairs.

"Are you sure baby?".I asked, the doctor recommended we give savanna a year to rest before we have another because her body has been through a lot and spacing was important.

"Yeah, it's going to be a all nighter baby". She says before I lift her up to carry her to our bedroom. It has been months since I have touched her.

"All nighter indeed".

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