chapter five

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Savanna KNIGHT.

I panicked like I should have not done that. I mean they seemed like important people and they might think I'm rude, I should have got rid of my anxietybut no
I turned back to see the one that asked about food Sean holding chocolates.

"Hey Savanna, why are you pacing around the room?". He asked tilting his head and staring at me.

"Oh.... so-". I paused when he puts his hand on my mouth as I tensed up like does he want to hit me.

"Stop stuttering, I want to be your best food friend and here's my offering ". He slowly removed his hand and pass me a box of those gold wrapped chocolate as I look back at him.

"Thank you, it means alot to me and I'm sorry for early but you're Alex's friend and I can't have the gift". I said sadly as he chuckled.

"Well you did not stutter meaning you're getting comfortable with me and Alex won't mind after all you're my friend princess". He said with a huge smile and I smiled back.

"Awesome, we are friends now and we will have many food adventures later but I better back to work. See you later princess". He said heading to the door.

It was the first time someone acted nice to me or even gave me a gift, I mean some people gave me gift but it was always confiscated by my uncle or mom

I sat down on the my chair and smiled taking one of the golden wrapped chocolate popping into my mouth as I look back at the files Alex gave me.

I finished all the emails to his clients and partners even to Sean and Dylan and some sack letters to someone here just remaining to proofread some or lots of documents now. The intercom buzzed as Alex voice said come to my office as I quickly wipe my mouth.

"How much work have you done?". He asked immediately as I entered, I told him only the part of the work .

"Good job, now make me coffee with two parts and a slice of my chocolate cake ". He commands looking back at his documents.

"Should I give you a red carpet or bow for you to get what I sent you Savanna". asked snapping me from my traces as I leave his office.

I head to his personal kitchen on his floor like it was only me, Sean, Dylan and Alex on this floor as I started to make his coffee immediately.

I put some ice cubes in a mug as I look around to see some Starbucks cold coffee as I pour it in with some vanilla and two spoons of alcohol and I take a slice of the cake heading back to his office.

"Here you go Mr KNIGHT".I said putting down on the table and left immediately like I was too scared to hear what he has to say about it.

I went back to my office and continued working until I finished and sat there thinking of what to do as a bell goes off and a knock on my door to see a lady.

"Hello, I'm Mrs Miller and I wanted to ask you if you are going to join me for lunch since you're new here". She said as I took a deep breath nodding meekly.

I mean I will make some friends but I have to stop this anxiety,my heart was pounding as we walked downstairs with how everyone was staring at me.

"Kevin meet Savanna and Savanna meet kevin, I know your name because I'm human resource department lady". She said as i nodded meekly again.

"It's finally good to see the talk of the place like everyone was just talking about you". He said as we walked to where we were going.


"Well because Mr KNIGHT never had a female personal assistant expect you, I mean everyone is just shocked but you know Office gist or gossip". Kevin shrug as we sit on a chair.

"Well,well,well it's not the new personal assistant of Mr knight. I mean how did you get the job?".A blonde from no where asked me moving close to me.

My heart began to pound harder and it was like I was going to cry as she moves closer to me as Mrs Miller pushed her away from me and taps my hand.

"How she got the job is not any of your business Bianca, she's uncomfortable with your looks and don't you have a project to do or an employee to fuck during lunch?". She asked her with a sarcastic smile.

"I mean what's so special about her, she must have slept with Mr KNIGHT and is currently pregnant and No I don't have anyone to do that with right now". She replied shamelessly.

"Okay enough Bianca,Savanna and Mrs Miller let's get out of here before we actually get an std from her bullshit"

I walked back to my office turning to the huge view and seeing people, cars and buildings that each have a story just like but mine is very sad.

Everyone was to close five but me, I had to wait for his highness to tell me to go. He finally said I could go home when it was seven as I grabbed my purse.

I first bought some food from a diner because I didn't have lunch, it was a chicken burger,fries and chicken nuggets and also bought some clothes because The new clothes my family bought were like Scarlett style.

I had a shower and sunk into my bed, I was tired already today. I was wearing pink cupcakes pyjamas pants with a white plain tee shirt. I love fashion.

After studying English in college, I also studied Fashion designing and I always wanted to become one, I told my mom and my stepfather but they hit me and ridiculed me for having dreams that I could not accomplish.

I sighed as that thought came across my mind about to whimper but just tucked my head in as my phone rang like who could be calling me on a private number at almost ten in the night.


"Mommy, it's me Serenity!". A British American accent said in a child voice, oh this was my daughter now.

"Hey Serenity, I'm Savannah. How are you and how's London?". I asked as she giggled sheepishly.

"Mommy, I'm fine and London is great. I can't wait to see you and play with you". She said and we talked for a while.

I know she likes the solar system and she loves toys, the stars and she has a sweet tooth too Like God us helping me

I know she likes the solar system and she loves toys, the stars and she has a sweet tooth too Like God us helping me

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