chapter fifty three

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Savanna knight.

God why did she come now when we're kissing even when I decided to kiss him atleast I finished arranging the files. She came here with the strangest clothing.
She who wears a red leather tight dress to work with the tallest high heels for a meeting like her legs are extremely thin  and did she think wearing that would make her ass look good or something. I swear women have the weirdest clothes

"Savanna!".Sarah barged into the office as my eyes widened at her expression. I mean her face was really red .

"Y-yes".I stuttered standing up as she walks towards me and she raises my left hand as her eyes sees my ring as I quickly remove my hand away.

"I can't believe he actually married you. He's saying it like he married queen of England. He married you over me!"she said as a smile lits on my face.

He actually told her we are married, I blocked her useless rants,Did he say it to just protect me from her or he like meant it when he said I was his wife. I mean if he claimed me as his one.

"Bitch,I'm fucking talking to you!".She yelled breaking me from my trances as I see her phone shoved in my hands.

"Give me the man that cast a spell on him, I want to make him love me too. I mean he invited me for dinner tonight" she say as I furrowed an eyebrow to her.

Why would he invite her home, I mean Serenity is home even Aria is home too. I could feel her smirk on me as I passed her phone to her before sitting down.

"I mean he said you were married to him because of his daughter's sake and there's nothing going on between you". I hear her add as my heart broke into a million pieces like the kisses was to like Serenity's mother.

"Look Miss bagels, I am less concerned about all this. All I know is that you've seen the ring on my finger and you can come if you want to".I said as a smile crawls up on her face as she decided to pollute the air from an Air kiss.

She finally left as I looked at the sweets that Dylan got me to say sorry, I took a sour patch putting it in my mouth like he said I was just Serenity's mother. I feel the soreness of the candy slapping me as a silent sigh leaves my mouth.

After Sarah walking up on us kissing, I have not recieved any calls from Alex, I walked up when it was time to go like I am the one going to cook for his date. I swear the level of disrespect this days.

"Hey Savanna".Aria says to me, she has never talked to me and I stopped when she didn't want to be friends with me.


"Look Savanna, we didn't start in a good term but I want us to be friends. Do you want to hang out with me tomorrow?".

"You want to be my friend?".

"I know I'm your sister in law but I've not been good to you,so we will start off as friends before anything else. Deal?". I looked at her stretched hand,I stretched my hand at her as she laughed.

"I want to shake your hand like this"she said as she puts her hand on mine and she moved it alittle before hugging me.

"Okay, so how was your day?".

"G-ood?". I stuttered.

"Calm down, you are good cook-".

"Mommy!".Serenity interrupted as she hugs me, she warms my heart.

"Hey baby, I have candy we can try but that will be later.What do you want us to make for dinner?".I asked her as she pouts looking at the ceiling for thoughts

"I'm craving pizza mommy, can we-".

"Why don't you make your own? I know how to make a pizza but you have to go to the shop if you want".I said as she nods.

"Hey Aria, do you want to come with us?".I asked shyly as she nods going up stairs to change like Alex is not back from work. Probably having dinner.

I rolled my eyes at this thought as we walked,I like walking the wind was cold  andrefreshing as we got inside the store

"Okay, pepperoni or chicken?". I asked Serenity as I hold the bag of toppings.

"Let's make a pepperoni and chicken one Mommy please".She said giving me those puppy eyes as I put it in the bag.

"Okay, what treat do you want for later. Choose any one you want?". I said as I took her to the snack aisle as she nods.

"Can I save that money mommy?". She asked as I nodded before kissing and giving her the ten dollar note as she put it in the pocket.

"Okay, how do you make a pizza?". Aria asked as I take the already made dough

"Okay, You both can decorate it and I'll clean up then Serenity will have a bath"   I said as they nod before they take all the topping and started to decorate.

We finished up and they helped me to clean the place, we had some pizza and I left some for Alex because he might be hungry after his long night dinner.

I had a shower then sat on the couch, I have been trying to draw a dress and it has been turning out good before I get to the chest side like the bust looks bad

"Savanna, guess what I got for you?". He asked me before sitting down close to me like oh, he remembered me. Thank fucking God.


"I got you the chocolates you like and it's in the very last box". He said as he passed it to me. It was even wrapped.

"Thank you Alex it means alot. But how do you know that I even like it?". I ask as he pressed his lips on mine.

"Because you literally taste for them all the time or you have some on your face but you won't know". He said as my hand goes to my face like I'm a sloppy eater.

"There's no food on your mouth now and you taste of pepperoni and chicken you ordered pizz?"he asked again.

"No, i made pizza and they decorated it but yours is in the microwave if you want it". I said again as he nods giving me a small thank you before going to the bathroom

Guess he never gave Sarah the last box of chocolate in the store before.

Guess he never gave Sarah the last box of chocolate in the store before

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omg, I wanted to thank everyone. Billionaire in love has more reads than my first book entangled with Mr billionaire. And guys I'm planning to do a book for Serenity. Would you think something like that or not

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