chapter fourty two

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Alexander knight.

Does she want a brother or sister?

Who's going to be the father or mother?

Serenity hopped downstairs for cake, I was alone in her room with my mind running through many places, could I and Savanna have children. I mean she's too pretty to not have a boy that she was romantically seeing and it came to me. I had that churning feeling when I realized that Savanna might have been with some other boys also.

"Aunt Aria!". I hear Serenity squeal as I shook my head going back to my room. It felt good seeing her happy today.

I had a nice shower to just remove all the thoughts from my head as I went back downstairs then paused seeing a large jar and Money on the counter.

"Okay, this is your saving jar and you're going to be saving money here, I mean your birthday money, treat money, and another kind of money you're given". Savanna explained to Serenity as she pouts at her.

"But I want to buy toys and chocolates, Daddy puts money in an account for me saying I could use it later". Serenity says

"I know but saving is good for you, you don't know what's going to happen and saving is good, so will you save all your birthday money?". Savanna persuaded.

"What will I get from saving?".

"When you save then you've lots of money to spend wisely on your needs and your wants and you'll be rich just like your daddy". Savanna said as she kisses Serenity's forehead.

She just complimented me or used me for and she's just called me Daddy?. She made such an innocent word seem bad but in a good way too. Oh, my Fucking.

"So it's not only your birthday money but I'll pay you money when I feel you have been a good girl, I mean doing your chores, doing your homework and studying without me asking, getting good Nope Awesome grades too".

"Okay, when do I get to spend out of the money that I saved mommy?".

"Before you spend out of it, think about this do I need to spend this dollar or dollars? Don't I have it at home or it's important to spend it? Or will I be okay without spending this money".

"Okay, a need is something you can't live without like clothing, food but a want is-".Savanna trailed off waiting for her to complete her sentence.

"A want is coming that I can live even if I don't get it like snacks, new clothes?".

"No you need new clothes but if your old clothes are still good then you don't need them, it's like trying to get a new bag that just came for this season".

"Okay, so I need to choose wisely if I want to spend and be smart like daddy"

"Exactly and for catching up so fast, you deserve a treat. Add this to your jar". She said passing her a thousand dollar note as Serenity puts it in her jar.

Serenity puts all the money in her jar as she looks at the jar, she got lots of both monetary and nonmonetary from us, my family even Savanna's family sent her some gifts which I hope she likes.

"So I'm rich like daddy now?'.Serenity asks.

"No but if you're consistent then you'll be and I have put Serena's dinner in the fridge. You can feed her tonight". She said to serenity as she goes to the fridge

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