chapter eighty

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S a v a n n a and A L E X

What the nugget was co-parenting? I do know the meaning and I said Yes, Fool. I googled the meaning and I regret it. He wanted us to do this then fine, it's fine. I will been seeing Serenity since Alex say I could since we are co-parenting.He's a such a nice person. Serenity hates trip to the hospital and I had to hold her to stay still when they were injecting her.

"So you are just going to leave like that". Alex asked me, I turned to a him as he's standing infront of me. My 6"1 gaunt.

"What else do you want Alex?".

His eyes softened, Bubble gum. I called him by his name by mistake" So we've agreed on Co-parenting?". He asked.

"You wanted us to co-parent and your the father of Serenity and I'm just to do as I'm told. So we have agreed".

He looks at me with disbelief"Savanna,I know the words I used on you were so mean but you are Okay with this?".

"Why are you emphasising on the word,
what else I'm than Serenity's mother".

"Your my wife". He growled out.

"You married me because of Serenity, it- was an arranged marriage remember?" I asked again then winced, he grabs me.

"Why are you wincing? Did Blake do-".

"He did nothing Mr KNIGHT".

"Stop calling that!". He sneers out

"Is that your name?".

"You are bearing that name, it's not like weird that you are calling your name". He asked anger evident in his eyes.

"Your marriage is just on-". I paused, his lips were on and his arm on my arms. It was one of the heart warming ones too.

"If our marriage was just on paper then you will not blush like that when I kiss you Angel". He said with a smirk on his face, his tone was playful now.

"Look Mr KNIGHT, Good night". I scoff before putting my hands in my pockets. I already told Blake that I will go on my own and I'll take care of myself.

Aria asked to see my wounds, I didn't at all show her any and she made Blake to make sure that I go to a nurse. I didn't know how long i was running before i left the hospital and I was in the park.

"Hey Savanna, are you Okay?".Rebecca asked, she was a tenant in the house.

"T-y-y". I stammered, I quickly rushed in my house then sighed. I don't do well with this new people things too.

I bought some clothes that I could wear, I was waiting Alex goes back home and allow me to move out from his house or if he wants to be mad then some clothes as I pulled my hoodie off and looked at myself in the standing mirror.

I looked disgusting with the purple, red and pink scars and bruises everywhere. I had belt marks on my body aslo and I hate some knife cuts on my arms too. I don't think that I'll ever show anyone.

My phone rang the next morning, I felt my mouth going to a smile seeing him. He was calling me today. Maybe he like wants me back or maybe he's just-

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