chapter eighty six

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Thanks for the eighteen thousand reads, you guys are freaking awesome. I'm going to definitely write some smut for you guys when I'm not fasting.

Alex knight

I had the best night ever, Savanna was on top of me and we cuddled all night. I had to leave before she woke up since I have some things to do and problems to solve too and I'm heading to Savanna's old house to solve that problem.

My first problem is that I told the maids to help me pack Savanna's things, one of the male maids called even the sheet that are bloody and I simply said you're fired and I have to get that sheet before anyone gets it before me. It brings me joy that I was the first one to touch her.

I walked in the bedroom and took the sheets, I was rushing Savanna that day and she couldn't see the sheets. I folded the sheets to hide the stain before I nod to the maids that they can go in. I enter my car then sighed smelling her scent.

"Okay problem one solved, Errand one now at Shuba's cafe".I said putting the sheets at the back before taking a sniff on the bar soap on my car console.

I sat down on the seat waiting for her, I see the red head maid then waved. She is one of Andrew's maid and she has a few other maids with her. I wanted to get some evidence against them. I have the hospital reports of Savanna's injury and appointment from the doctor that they always go to and the pictures too.

"We are all here Mr KNIGHT". The red head said sitting down as the other one sit as I put my phone on voice record.

"Okay, tell me what you know about the beating and abuse that they do on her".

"Since the first day Savanna's dad died is when they started to hit her, they'll take hot iron and burn her or they will starve her for a week, they will beat her with belts, canes, sticks, iron or they'll lock her in the cages with vicious dogs. They will dunk her head in water until she is unconscious, they could throw a heels on her or pour alcohol on her like wounds they gave her or burn her with hot water, hit her head on the wall or-" The woman stopped as she teared up.

"Sir, we always liked Savanna. She was so full of life when her dad was alive or was, after his death she no longer does. Sir the older son will sexually assault her and he drug her one day to sleep to sleep with her but we scared him off. He would make her pole dance for him and he will harrass her, Andrew and a so called mother would beat her until it was until she fainted, or she was lost lot of blood". The blond hair said and sigh.

"Then why didn't you speak up for her".

"We tried to but Andrew threatened to kill our family but it's enough now. We heard them talking about making you marry Scarlett and decides that's it". A brown head said to me as I nodded.

"You know this might be taken to court and you voices and names are here too"

"Yes,our names are Lizzy, Dawn, Sam".

"Thank you for your time ladies, I will call if I need help again".I smile at them as they nodded standing up.

I have some evidence to start the case, I just went to the mall to get chocolate for Savanna and I have a big surprise later. Serenity was not home so that's good, it was quiet in the house and Savanna is not in the kitchen"Baby?".

I walked towards our room, the sight in front of me brings a smile on my face. I dropped the chocolate on the table and walked towards the bed watching her. I smile seeing the sheets were wet from a continuous pool of saliva. I have put the bloody sheet in the washing machine.

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