chapter twenty four

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Alexander KNIGHT.

Maybe I misjudged Savannah after all Mom could have asked her to wear a dress and her dress could have risen up during when we were going through potholes but she's not as innocent as she seems after all she knows exactly what Sean and Dylan were saying to her aslo who eats a brownie that way.

We were back at the office since I didn't not give her time to change like for all I care she can open everything to people here since she has been Giving me attitude since we left my parents place

"Yes Mr KNIGHT". She said in a cold tone waiting for me to say something.

"Make me three cups of coffee for me". I commanded in the same tone,she nods heading outside my office.

Maybe I should apologise? After all she took care of me yesterday when she could have taken advantage of that.

"Dude, what are you thinking about? Thinking about Savannah?". Sean tease moving his shoulder with this eyes.

"Mr knight, here's- I'm so sorry!". She said tripping on herself and pouring the coffee on me and it was hot.

"What the fuck Savannah!". I yelled quickly blowing on my skin like I have a meeting today like she did this on purpose.

"What was going in that brain of yours, are you blind! You just like to ruin my day with your clumsiness!".

"Alex, it was an acc-". Sean was about to say when I gkared at him to shut up.

"My skin is burning, do something!".

She takes a a cup and pours the content on me as I looked at her awestruck as she bites her lip"What the fuck!".

"I thought it was water sorry".

"Are you a fool? Does water look like that and now you made it even worse!"

"Sorry Mr KNIGHT, I did-".

"Now will you? All you do is to ruin things that's why they were so quick to marry you to me like thay-".

"Enough!".Savannah yells dropping the tray as I fold my hands on chest trying to look emotionless.

"What the fuck! I'm your wife but you say such mean things to me, I do what you say Exactly and you make me feel like I should not even exist. Do you think my life has been a Disney movie  like all this fussing because of coffee! Like I freaked out that's why".

"You ruined an expensive Suit and you spoilt it more like this-".

"It's coming out of my salary, well I quit being your personal assistant and I might as well take a gun and shoot you"

My eyes widened as my head tells me to apologise but I look at her again, she want to me to beg her"You can't just-"

"I can because it my right to resign, you have slut shamed me enough and done enough already. Good bye Mr KNIGHT". She said slamming the tray on the floor and heading towards the door.

No. No. No. Who will do all my work, I look at Sean as he looked at me with disappointment in his face"I told you that you should treat her nicely like she's your wife but you called her a slut. Alex Brooklyn hurt you but that doesn't mean you should hurt everyone else".

Sean trapped my shoulder heading out, he ran calling Savannah name. I like my work done perfectly that's why I was mean to her and I don't want a thing to happen between us since she's already stealing everyone's heart.

I took a deep breath like I can find some one else to work for me as I called my secretary to come to my office then removed my suit like she's definitely washing this when I get back home

"Y-yes Mr KNIGHT".Jade trembled, at least someone here doesn't raise their voice at me.

"Well done, you have been promoted to be my personal assistant and you shall receive a increase in your salary and you are supposed to resume work now!

"Thank you sir". She said dashing out.

 She said dashing out

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