Family Reunion - And Farewell/Part 1

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The rebels fly to Capital City in two patrol transports, one with Chopper, Melch, Honod, Gregor, Ketsu, and Rex and the other one with Hera, Zeb, Luna, Sabine, Ezra, Kallus, Ryder, and Pryce. Sabine and Ezra are disguised as scout troopers, Rex is disguised as a stormtrooper, and Kallus is disguised as an Imperial officer in a black uniform.

Hera says, over the commlink "We're coming up on the Capital. Better get ready."

Sabine says, into the commlink "Copy. Head for platform zero delta."

Pryce says "The command center? You're going to attempt to launch the dome. Your plan is worse than I thought."

Ezra says "Mmm, bolder. You mean bolder than you thought."

Sabine says "More creative than you thought."

Kallus says "Now, about those landing codes...And remember, I'll know if they're correct."

Kallus hands Pryce a commlink and Pryce grabs it as she says "Gladly. The sooner we land, the sooner you will be my prisoners."

The two gunships enter the dome's executive landing pad as Pryce says, into the commlink "Executive code 6-2-7-3-1-1."

A man says, over the commlink "Code's authorized, Governor. You're clear to land. Security will take the prisoners on the platform."

The two gunships land on the platform and some of them exit the gunships with Kallus pointing a gun at Pryce's back.

Kallus says "Nice and easy, Governor."

As they are approached by stormtroopers, the stormtrooper commander says "We'll take it from here."

Ezra says "They're all yours."

Zeb growls and the stormtroopers commander says "Hey! Look out! Move!"

Zeb roars and he then breaks free and charges at the blast doors.

Ezra says "Stop him!"

The stormtroopers shoot at Zeb and Ezra attacks the stormtroopers from behind and he uses his green lightsaber to chop off their blasters before hurling them aside with the Force. The blast doors are about to close, but Zeb runs towards the blast doors and he holds it open long enough for Sabine, Ketsu, Luna, and himself.

The blast doors closes and Sabine says "Ketsu, get that door open!"

A couple of stromtroopers appear and shoot at Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Ketsu.

Sabine says "And try to jam their comm system!"

Sabine exchanges fire with the stormtroopers as Ketsu works on the control panel.

Sabine knocks out two stormtroopers and Luna says "How's that door coming?"

Ketsu says "Got it!"

The blast doors open and Zeb says "Nice work."

Sabine says "What about the comm systems?"

Ketsu says "They're all locked down. Now, let's get everyone inside."

Hondo says "Hey, purple guy! Get in position!"

Ketsu says "Good luck."

Luna says "Thanks. We're going to need it."

Hondo says "Okay, okay, getting there. Right there, and stop!"

Zeb is in position and Luna is near Zeb.

Hondo says "Melch, back further, a little more. Go, bah-bah-bah."

The other are already inside and Luna says, into the commlink "Ezra, we are in position."

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