Legends Of The Lasat/Part 1

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The crew of the Ghost arrives at Nixus Hub 218, where Ezra receives a contact saying that two refugees held prisoner by the Empire. The Ghost lands in a building and the door opens.

The rebels walk out of the Ghost while Hera says, to Ezra "Ezra, I'm so proud of you for taking the lead on this rescue mission."

Ezra says "You would've done the same thing."

Kanan says "You said these people are wanted by the Empire. Do you know why?"

Ezra says "No, but I hear they're closing in. We better hurry."

Zeb says "So where'd you hear about these refugees anyway?"

Ezra says "Huh? Oh, you know, one of our, uh, contacts. Speaking of, Chopper, you better let him know we're here."

Chopper mutters and brings out a transmitter.

Sabine says "Hey! Where'd you get that transmitter?"

Chopper grunts and Ezra says "There's no answer! We better hurry."

The rebels walk faster and they find a room with a bunch of cargo containers. They see a couple of stormtroopers and they hide behind a cargo container.

Ezra says "Oh, no. We're too late."

An Imperial officer says "Drag those refugees out of there."

Two stormtroopers open the cage and one of them says "Move!"

The two refugees walk out of the cargo container and the rebels see the two refugees are Lasats.

Zeb gasps and says "My people. They're Lasat."

The rebels come up with a plan to save the two Lasats. Zeb and Luna sneak away and get into position. Once everyone is in position, the rebels attack the stormtroopers and the Imperial officer. The rebels successfully knocked out the troopers and the Imperial offiver.

A familiar voice says "Hello, hello!"

The rebels see it's Hondo and Hondo says "You arrived just in time, as I knew you would."

Ezra says "You could have warned me the Empire was here."

Hondo says "Ah, but I sold the Lasats to the Empire knowing the heroes would save the day. You being the heroes, of course."

Luna says "Hondo is your contact?"

Ezra says "To be fair, he contacted me."

Hondo says "Yes, to be fair. Because I knew those tow belonged with that one."

The male Lasat says "It is him. Captain Orrelios."

The female Lasat says "By the Ashla. The prophecy!"

Ezra says "Captain?"

The female Lasat says "Yes. Captain Garazeb Orrelios of the Lasan High Honor Guard."

The two Lasats bow in front of Zeb and Zeb groans.

Hondo laughs and says "A reunion! I was right again. How wonderful. Hondo could use a little help."

Kanan and Sabine help Hondo while Zeb says "Thought I was just about the last of us. How is this possible?"

The male Lasat says "Do you remember me, Captain?"

Zeb says "You look familiar."

The male Lasat says "Gron. I served under you in the guard. This is Chava the Wise."

Zeb says "Oh, yeah, I know who she is."

Ezra says "I didn't know you were a captain."

Luna says "He never told any of you, only me."

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