Fighter Flight/Part 2

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Once the TIE window is cleaned, Zeb contacts Hera.

Zeb says, into the commlink "Specter-4 to Ghost."

Hera says, over in the commlink "Go ahead, Specter-4."

Zeb says "Right. Well, we've had a bit of a problem."

Hera says "I thought you might. Look, don't worry about the meilooruns."

Ezra says "Yeah, meilooruns. We found some. But we lost them. Then we found them again, but we smashed them."

Zeb says "Just cut to the chase, kid."

Kanan says "Wait! What am I hearing? It sounds like..."

Ezra says "Yeah, about that. See, well...We stole a TIE fighter."

Kanan says "You what?"

Zeb says "He's taking it better then I thought."

Kanan says "Get rid of it!"

Zeb, Luna, and Ezra say "Do we have to?"

Kanan says "At least tell me you dismantled the locator beacon."

Zeb laughs and says "Of course. We're not fools."

Zeb says, to Ezra "Under there. The red wire. No, wait. The blue."

Ezra says, to Zeb "Well, which one?"

Kanan says "It's the red and the blue."

Ezra says "Right. Got it. I mean, got it a long time ago. You know, back when we first boarded. Right away. Immediately."

Kanan says "Stealing a TIE attracts unwanted attention. Rendezvous at Shadow Site 2. Fly straight there. Do not stop. And don't do anything."

Zeb says "On our way. Specter-4 out."

Ezra says "That went well."

Zeb says "Yeah."

Ezra says "Do you know which way we're supposed to go?"

Zeb says "No idea."

Luna says "Oh man."

Zeb flies to where ever the rendezvous is and says "Okay. Navigation system's online. Course set for rendezvous point."

Luna says "Wait. What's that?"

Luna points our at the smoke, in the distance.

Zeb says "Looks like smoke."

Ezra says "Yeah. Only, I think I know where it's coming from. Go check it out. Please."

Zeb sighs and flies towards the smoke. Zeb, Luna, and Ezra see where the smoke is coming from.

Luna says "Friends of yours?"

Ezra says "Of my parents."

Zeb says "There's a convey of troop transports heading northwest. Karabast! I know that look."

Ezra says "What's the worst that could happen?"

Zeb says "Well, we all wind up dead."

Ezra says "Besides that."

Zeb says "Oh, boy. Here goes nothing."

Zeb flies the TIE over to the transports.

Zeb contacts Master Lyste and says "Attention, transports. This is Imperial Commander Meiloorun."

Ezra slaps Zeb's should and says "Meiloorun? Seriously?"

Zeb shushes Ezra and says "There's a report of rebel activity in your sector. Reduce speed."

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