Wings Of The Master/Part 1

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Traveling through hyperspace, Phoenix Squadron is on its way to Ibaar to help the people who are in distress. The rebels are in the cockpit with Hera sitting in the pilot seat, Kanan sitting next to Hera, Ezra is sitting behind Hera, Zeb is sitting behind Kanan, Luna is sitting on one of Zeb's legs, Sabine is standing by the controls, and Chopper is over by Sabine.

A man, holograph, says "The Empire...has doubled our work quotas and cut our rations. Without your food drop...the weakest among us will starve."

Kanan says "Stay strong, my friend. We'll be there soon."

The man says "You have our deepest gratitude, Phoenix Squadron."

Phoenix Squadron arrives at Ibaar and the man says "Our underground network is standing by at the drop zone to distribute..."

Sabine says "The transmission is being jammed."

Chopper grunts and Hera says "Looks like the Empire came out to welcome us."

Agent Kallus says, over the comm "Attention, rebel convoy. This system is under Imperial control. Stand down or be destroyed."

Zeb says "What a surprise. Agent Kallus."

Hera says "I'll give him this, he's persistent. Phoenix Leader, your pilots ready?"

A man says, over the comm "As ready as we'll ever be, Captain Syndulla. All fighters, attack formation."

A-wings fighters are deployed and assume attack formation. TIE fighters are also deployed and move in on Phoenix Squadron while the rebels get to a gun.

Zeb and Luna run towards the rear gun Hera says, over the PA "Zeb, bandit at 270."

Zeb and Luna are at the rear gun and Zeb gets into the seat as he says, into the PA "I see him."

Zeb shoots at the TIEs, but misses and says "Karabast!"

The blockade opens fire on the transport ship, carrying the supplies, and the rebels think they'll get through, but the transport gets destroyed. Phoenix Squadron are forced to retreat to hyperspace and return to the fleet. Upon returning, the rebels are trying to figure out a new strategy to get the supplies through the blockade. Rex says that an engineer named Quarrie claims to have built a prototype heavy assault starfighter, but they have to go to the planet Shantipole. Upon arriving, Hera takes the Phantom down to the surface with Zeb, Luna, and Sabine while Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper pick up the remaining supplies for the people of Ibaar. Hera sits in the pilot chair, Zeb and Luna sit on the left side, and Sabine sits on the right side.

Upon entering the atmosphere, Hera says "Well, I did a little research on why it's so hard to land here."

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine say "And?"

Hera says "The upper atmosphere is tricky."

Sabine says "Tricky how?"

Hera says "You can get through it, but your craft never seems to maintain its power."

Zeb says "Whoa. What does that mean? I don't know what that means."

Sabine says "It means no power, no flying just falling."

Zeb says "Could've mentioned this before I got on board!"

Luna says "Same here!"

Hera says "You both wouldn't have come!"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes them, damaging the Phantom's systems. Falling fast they come out of the clouds and finds themselves over a canyon of pinnacles.

Zeb says "Wait. Was that a ship? That was a ship!"

Hera says "That was your imagination. There! The landing field."

Zeb says "Is that your imagination?"

Hera says "You better hope not. Brace for landing!"

They make it with a bumpy land and the Phantom is on the edge of the platform.

Zeb grunts and says "Am I dead? I don't smell dead."

Zeb stands up and takes one step over to Hera and the Phantom goes forward.

Zeb says "Uh-oh."

Luna says "Zeb!"

Hera gets up and says "Zeb, get to the back of the ship!"

All four of them go to the back of the Phantom. The Phantom is pulled back and drops down. Sabine, Hera, and Zeb fall on their stomachs while Luna falls onto on her back.

A male Mon Calamari says "Who are you?"

Sabine, Hera, and Zeb get up and Zeb helps Luna stand up as Hera says "You're Quarrie, right? Captain Rex sent us."

Quarrie says "Ah. You're here about my ship."

Hera says "Any land you can walk away from is a good one."

Quarrie says "After a good landing, you can still fly the ship."

Hera says "Yeah. You know this is a terrible place fore ships."

Quarrie says "But the perfect place to test them. If is can fly here, it can fly anywhere. And it's also the last place the Empire would look."

Luna says "Make sense."

Quarrie says "Come. Let's get out of this wind."

Quarrie brings the rebels to the main hanger and Quarrie says "Pardon the mess. I don't get many visitors. Most of'em crash. There she is. What do you think?"

They see the prototype starfighter and Quarrie says "I call it the Blade-wing."

Zeb says "Uh...That's a ship? Is it upside down?"

Sabine says "Looks like it's been through a garbage masher."

Quarrie says "Oh, this is one of my most advanced designs. Fast, agile, a narrow attack profile. And it packs a punch. High intensity blaster, ion cannons and proton torpedoes."

Hera says "Great. I can't wait to take it out. The fleet really needs this."

Quarrie says "The fleet, huh? What makes you thinks she's yours just for the taking?"

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