The Forgotten Droid

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After the theft of the Imperial fighter carrier above Ryloth, the rebel fleet are still looking for a safe haven to establish a new base. Commander Sato convenes a meeting aboard the new flag ship that's attended by the crew of the Ghost and Rex.

Hera says "Thanks to Rex's Old Republic map and the map Zeb's Lasat friends made, I believe we finally have a suitable location for our base."

Kestu, Sabine's friend, says "The Yawst System. There's no sign of the Empire, but there's a small habitable moon, one that I think will provide everything you need."

Commander Sato says "Promising, but Yawst is several parsecs away, and our carrier does not have enough fuel to complete the journey."

Rex says "We can't afford to leave it unguarded and immobile."

Sabine says "Well, I've been tracking Imperial fuel shipments. There's one scheduled to arrive at the Horizon Base soon."

Kanan says "Eh, it's risky. The Empire's tightened security at all its depot in the sector."

Ezra says "If there's fuel there, what choice do we have?"

Commander Sato approves and the crew of the Ghost departs for Horizon Base to obtain the fuel. Upon landing, the Ghost opens the door, where the rebels are in the cargo hold.

Kanan says "All right. After we grab the fuel, we'll have to blast our way out of here fast. Chopper, be ready."

Chopper grabs Ezra's leg and Ezra says "Oh, yeah. That droid leg kinda does look like yours."

Chopper grunts and Chopper shows Hera the leg.

Hera says "Chopper, we're not here to shop."

Zeb says "Uh, shop...Shopper! And laughs.

Luna laughs a little and says "I'll admit that's pretty funny. For a dad joke."

Chopper grunts and Hera says "This mission is important and dangerous."

Chopper grunts and Hera says "Not now. We need you on the Ghost to monitor Imperial transmissions. Hey! Let us know the second the Empire suspects anything."

Chopper chatters and Ezra says "You heard her. Stay at your post and get a leg up on the Empire, yeah?"

Zeb says "Yeah, Shopper." And chuckles.

Luna says "All right boys, let Chopper alone."

Zeb says "Shopper."

The five rebels approach the fuel depot and they all hide behind a crate.

Sabine says "Kanan was right. There's more security than ever."

Hera says "We can't afford to leave without getting what we came for."

Sabine says "There's the fuel."

Zeb says "Let's get it."

Kanan says "Okay, but we do it quickly this time. No complications."

Zeb says "Sure."

The five rebels go get the fuel and they do, but they get shot at by the stormtroopers as they are running back to the Ghost. Once the rebels aboard the Ghost, the Ghost escapes the Horizon Base.

Luna says "Uh, where's Chopper?"

Ezra says "Ugh, he must of gone off to get that leg."

Hera says, over the PA "Everyone in the cockpit."

Everyone goes into the cockpit and Hera is sitting in the pilot seat. Kanan sits next to Hera, Sabine sits behind Hera, Zeb sits behind Kanan, Luna sits on one of Zeb's leg, and Ezra stands behind and between Zeb and Sabine.

Ezra says "We have to go back for Chopper."

Hera says "I warned him not to get distracted by that leg."

Ezra says "You don't even know if that's what happened."

Hera says "Oh, I know. I know that droid. He's always thinking about himself. But we have to think about the fleet first."

Commander Sato says, over the comm "Phoenix Home to Ghost, come in."

Hera says, into the comm "We read you, Commander Sato. We're inbound with the fuel."

Commander Sato, over the comm "You must hurry. We are under attack."

When the Ghost exits hyperspace, they see the Imperial fleet attacking the rebel fleet. Sabine goes into the top gun, Ezra goes into the nose gun, and Zeb and Luna go into the rear gun.

The rebels shoot at the TIE fighters and Sabine says, over the comm "My guns are offline. My guns are offline!"

Ketstu says, over the comm "Shadowcastor to Ghost. I'm on your wing."

Hera says, over the comm "Copy that, Ketsu. Thanks. Zeb, two incoming at point seven."

Zeb says, into the comm "They can get in line. There's more fighters than I can shoot!"

Ezra says, over the comm "Then there's no excuse for missing."

Hera says, over the comm "Ghost to Shadowcastor, we need to land and refuel the carrier."

Ketsu says, over the comm "I'll clear a path."

Ketsu shoots down a TIE and Sabine says, over the comm "Thanks for the assist, Ketsu."

Ketsu says, over the comm "You owe me one."

Hera says, over the comm "Everyone, get ready! We're coming in hot!"

Zeb, Luna, and Ezra go to the cargo hold while Hera manages to land the Ghost with much difficulty.

Hera says, over the comm "Zeb, Luna, Ezra, the fuel."

Ezra says, into the comm "We're on it."

Zeb takes the fuel supplies off of the Ghost with Luna and Ezra. Once Zeb, Luna, and Ezra unloads the fuel supplies, two men hook cables to the fuel supplies.

Once the refueling is done, Ezra says, into the commlink "Hera, refueling's finished. Let's get out of here."

Hera says, over the comm "Hold that thought."

Chopper informs Hera that the Yawst System is unsafe and that they have new coordinates to a new system. Hera informs Commander Sato about this and the rebel fleet jump into hyperspace. Later on, Chopper is back on the Ghost and with a RA-7 protocol droid AP-5, that Sabine is fixing him. Zeb, Luna, Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper are in the lounge as Sabine is done fixing AP-5.

Kanan walks into the lounge as AP-5 says "What...What happened? Where am I?"

Sabine says "Don't worry. You're alive and well. I replaced your damaged thermo sensors with the ones from the leg that Chopper stole. Chopper?"

Chopper chatters and AP-5 says "You scarified your replacement leg for me. Well, you shouldn't have. I knew you had a malfunctioning logic circuit."

Chopper and AP-5 continue to bicker to each other while the other rebels watch them in confusion.

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