Warhead/Part 2

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Putting their plan into action, Chopper searches for the droid. Zeb, Luna, and AP-5 get into positions as Chopper heads the droid to them. Zeb waits on the raised bridge and he jumps on the droid as it passes below. Zeb tries to knock the droid out with his bo rifle, but the droid throws Zeb to the ground.

Luna says "Zeb!"

The droid turns his attention to Luna, Chopper, and AP-5 and the droid confronts them. Luna, Chopper, and AP-5 back up into several containers as the droid traps them into the containers, but Zeb strikes the droid with his activated bo rifle. The droid fights with Zeb and the droid shocks Zeb by sending the bo rifle's energy back at him. The droid throws Zeb's bo rifle away and the droid proceeds to choke Zeb. Luna grabs Zeb's bo rifle and shocks the droid. The droid hurls Zeb to the ground and confronts Luna. The droid smacks the bo rifle out of Luna's hand while Zeb gets up and sees that the droid is about to attack Luna.

Zeb says "Hey! Get away from her!"

The droid turns his attention to Zeb and the droid attacks Zeb, again. The droid grabs Zeb and runs him into some crates. The droid hurls Zeb on top of crates and the droid leaps on Zeb, but Zeb moves out of the way.

Zeb manages to jump onto the droid's back and Zeb says "I got it. I got it!"

Zeb holds onto the droid as the droid falls off a crate and onto the ground.

Zeb grunts and says "Shut it down!"

AP-5 says "Hold it steady."

Zeb says "I'm trying!"

Chopper shocks the droid, but the droid kicks Chopper away as Zeb struggles to immobilize the droid.

Zeb says "Shut it down now!"

Luna says "Hurry AP-5!"

AP-5 tries to shut down the droid and AP-5 says "Almost got it. Stand by."

Zeb says "Stand by?"

AP-5 says "Got it."

AP-5 manages to shut down the droid and AP-5 says "What do you know? Your plan actually worked."

Zeb throws the droid off of him and says "Of course it did!"

Luna says "You okay?"

Zeb says "Yeah. Are you and the baby okay?"

Luna says "Yes, we're both fine."

Chopper grunts and Zeb groans as he stands up.

Zeb says "Okay, let's have some good news. You know, just to see how it feels."

AP-5 says "Chopper can detect no long-range communications equipment, which means the droid has not transmitted our position to the Empire."

Zeb says "Well, that's something. It must have a ship somewhere nearby. What's the bad news?"

Chopper grunts and AP-5 says "The droid appears to be counting down?"

Zeb says "Counting down to what?"

AP-5 says "Mostly likely it has activated its Imperial anti-capture fail safe. There's probably a proton warhead inside too."

Zeb says "If you're right, than this droid could vaporize the entire base and us along with it."

AP-5 says "The countdown timer has already began."

Zeb says "How much time have we got left?"

AP-5 says "Twenty seconds."

Zeb groans and says "Any ideas?"

Chopper grunts and freezes the droid's chest, to stop the countdown.

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