Iron Squadron

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The Ghost and a Phoenix Cell Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette arrive above the planet Mykapo. Ezra is in the nose gun while everyone else is in the cockpit.

Ezra says "Hey, did Fulcrum say how long it'd be before the Empire invades Mykapo?"

Hera says "No, but Commander Sato has connections here and he said rebel sympathizers were eager to evacuate."

Kanan says "I think we may be too late."

The see four Imperial TIE fighters and Imperial transport pursuing a freighter above Mykapo.

Sabine says "Imperial transport plus four TIEs. They haven't spotted us yet."

Kanan, Zeb, and Luna leave the cockpit and Kanan goes to the top gun while Zeb and Luna go to the side gun. A few minutes later,  the Empire retreats and Kanan, Zeb, and Luna head back to the cockpit.

As Kanan, Zeb, and Luna walk into the cockpit, a young male kid says, over the comm "Why don't you come over? We could probably show you a few tricks."

Ezra says "Sounds like an invitation."

Hera says "I have to report first. Kanan, why don't you take a team to the planet? Assist the evacuation."

Kanan says "All right. Good luck with Iron Squadron."

Zeb says "Sounds like a ship full of Ezras. Let's get out of here."

Luna says "Agreed."

Kanan, Zeb, and Luna walk towards the Phantom II and they get in. The Phantom II departs, from the Ghost, for Mykapo accompanied by Phoenix Two and Phoenix Three. About more than a few minutes later, Phoenix Squadron has completed their evacuation on Mykapo and they return to the others. The Phantom II attaches to the Ghost and Zeb, Luna, and Kanan get off the Phantom II and climb down the ladder. The three of them see the others in the lounge and Zeb and Luna exit the lounge. Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper take the Phantom II and the Ghost departs from Iron Squadron. and the Phantom II attaches onto the Iron Squadron. About an hour later, Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper come back with three of the members of the Iron Squadron, who are Gooti, Jonner, and R3, and they are with the other rebels. All of them are in the command center with holographic recording of Commander Sato.

There's a holographic of Mart, leader of the Iron Squadron and nephew to Commander Sato, and he says "The Empire has my ship surrounded but hasn't fired on me yet. I don't know what they're up to. I hate to admit it, but I need your..."

Marts call for help before the signal cuts off.

Gooti says "Help. He was going to say help."

Hera says "The Empire allowed that part of the transmission to get through, then they cut it off."

Commander Sato says "I will go."

Hera says "Commander, you're too far away. You'd never make it in time."

Commander Sato says "I am all the family he has left."

Hera says "Let me take the Ghost, go in quietly and get him out of there."

Commander Sato says "You have my gratitude, Captain."

Commander Sato unholographs and everybody leaves the command center. The Spectres and Iron Squadron board the Ghost and Hera departs the Ghost from one of the ships. The Ghost jumps into hyperspace and arrive back at Mykapo. Once they rescue Mart, they go to Chopper Base and land on the base. The Spectres and Iron Squadron exit the Ghost where Mart sees his uncle.

Mart walks towards Commander Sato and Sato says "It is good to see you alive, Mart."

Mart hugs his uncle and Mart says "Uncle Jun, thank you for coming."

They pull apart and Commander Sato says "Of course. But we are both indebted to Captain Syndulla and her crew."

Gooti and Jonner hug Mart and Mart says "I can't believe it! You guys  come back!"

Gooti says "What do you expect? We're the Iron Squadron!"

The others watch and smile as the Iron Squadron embrace.

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