Sparks Of Rebellion: Part 1 (Part 1 Of 2)/Part 2

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Luna sits down, Sabine walks back and forth, and Zeb leans against the small room, that Zeb put Ezra in.

Kanan says, over the PA "Zeb, Luna, Sabine. Where's the kid?"

Zeb says "Calm down, chief. He's in..."

Zeb opens the door, but the room is empty.

Zeb says "Uh...Here."

Luna and Sabine walk over to Zeb and the room and they see that the air vent is open.

Kana says, over the PA "Zeb, where is he?"

Zeb says "Well, he is still in the ship."

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine hear clattering in the air vents and Sabine says "Oh, he's in the ship all right."

Sabine walks towards the front gunner while Zeb and Luna stay where they are.

Zeb and Luna decide to walk towards the front gunner and they hear Ezra say, to Sabine "My name's Ezra. What's yours?"

Sabine says "Ugh."

Zeb grabs Ezra and says "My name's Zeb, you Loth-rat."

Here says, over the PA "Calculations complete, but we need an opening."

Sabine says "Found one."

Sabine shoots one of the TIE fighters and Hera jumps the Ghost into hyperspace.

The Ghost drops back out of hyperspace and Zeb and Luna take Ezra, with Zeb dragging him by the arm, to the cockpit, where Hera is.

Ezra says "Let go! You can't keep me here! Take me back to Lothal!"

Zeb let's go of Ezra's arm and Hera says "Calm down. That's exactly what we're doing."

Ezra says "Wait, right now? With Imperials chasing us?"

Hera says "We lost the TIEs when we jumped, and the Ghost can scramble its signature so they won't recognize when we return."

Ezra says "Oh, that's pretty cool! So just drop me and my blasters outside Capital City and..."

The doors open and Sabine cuts Ezra off and she says "They're not your blasters."

Kanan says "And we're not going back to Capital City. The job's not done."

The Ghost lands near a Lothal camp called Tarkintown. The ramp opens, from the Ghost, and Zeb, Luna, and Sabine grab some of the crates to the camp while Kanan and Hera take the other crates to somewhere else.

Ezra says "Hey, where are they going?"

Zeb says "If I told you, I'd have to kill. Oh, and I might just kill you anyway."

Luna says "Zeb!"

Zeb laughs while Sabine says, to Ezra "Grab a crate, pull your weight."

Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Ezra walk, with the crates, in the camp and Ezra says "Lived on Lothal my whole life. Never been here."

Sabine says "The Imperials don't advertise it."

Zeb says "Locals call it Tarkintown."

Sabine says "Named for Grand Moff Tarkin, Governor of the Outer Rim. He kicked these folks off their farms when the Empire wanted their land."

Zeb says "Anybody tried to fight back for arrested for treason."

Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Ezra stop and Zeb says "Who wants free grub?"

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine open their crates, that are filled with food. The refugees come over to them and grab some food to eat. Luna sees Ezra leave the camp and walks back to the Ghost. Once all the crates are empty, Zeb, Luna, and Sabine were about to leave the camp, but Sabine noticed that Ezra isn't with them.

Sabine says "Where's Ezra?"

Luna says "I saw him go back to the Ghost."

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine leave the camp and walk back to the Ghost. Sabine goes to the kitchen while Zeb and Luna go to their cabin.

In Zeb's and Luna's cabin, Kanan comes into their cabin and says "Zeb, Luna. Go get Sabine, we need to talk."

Zeb, Luna, and Kanan leave the cabin and walk towards the common room. Zeb, Luna, and Chopper go into the kitchen and they see Ezra and Sabine.

Luna says, to Sabine "Kanan wants us in the common room."

Zeb taps on Chopper and says "If he tries anything, sound the alarm or shoot him."

Chopper beeps while Luna says "Zeb."

Zeb says, to Chopper "Shush. Just watch him."

Zeb and Luna go to the common room, with Sabine behind them. Luna sits next to Zeb while Zeb has his arm on her.

Kanan says "We have a new mission. Vizago acquired the flight plan for an Imperial transport ship full of Wookie prisoners."

Hera says "Most of these Wookies were soldiers for the Old Republic."

Zeb says "I owe those hairy beasts. They saved some of my people."

Hera says "Mine, too."

Kanan says "If we're going to save them, we've got a tight window. They've been taken to an unknown slave labor camp. If we don't intercept this ship, we'll never find them. Now, I have a plan, but..."

Kanan gets interrupted by a thud and Kanan opens a door. Everyone gathers around and see that it's Ezra. Ezra falls and gets back up and tries to go back in the air vent, but Zeb grabs him and throws him to the floor.

Zeb says "I ordered Chopper to keep watch!"

Chopper comes out of the kitchen and beeps.

Zeb growls and walks towards Ezra, angrily, while he says "Can we please get rid of him?"

Luna and Kanan hold Zeb back while Sabine says "No. We can't. The kid knows too much."

Zeb steps a side for Hera and Hera helps Ezra stand up.

Hera says "We don't have time to take him home anyway. We need to move now."

Hera takes Ezra to the cockpit while she says "I'll keep an eye on him?"

Kanan, Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Chopper get ready for the mission.

Zeb says, to Luna "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Luna says "Zeb, you've got to stop worrying about me and the baby."

Zeb say "I just don't want you both to get hurt."

Luna says "I know."

Kanan says "Come on, let's get to the airlock."

Kanan, Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Chopper get to the airlock and wait to get on the Imperial Transport to rescue the Wookies.

The door, to the airlock, opens and Kanan, Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Chopper see two stormtroopers, with Zeb pretending to be a Wookie.

One of the troopers says "That thing's not a Wookie."

Kanan says "Haven't you ever seen a rare hairless Wookie before?"

Luna says "That's purple?"

Zeb imitates to sound like a Wookie.

Zeb says "Oh, forget it."

Zeb punches both of the troopers, at the same time.

Zeb says "Told you they wouldn't buy it."

Sabine and Luna walk in front of Zeb, while Luna says "You didn't exactly give'em a chance to buy it."

Kanan walks next to Zeb and Zeb says "Ah, there's just something about the feel of their helmets on my fists." And Zeb chuckles.

Kanan, Luna, and Sabine bring out their blasters and Kanan says "Okay, you know the plan. Move out."

Kanan, Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Chopper run to where they are suppose to be.

Kanan says, over his comlink "No troopers. Security soft."

Kanan, Zeb, and Luna run to where the Wookies are while Sabine and Chopper go to disable the gravity system.

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