Crawler Commander/Part 2

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Kanan, Zeb, and Luna meet up with the slaves and Ezra meets up with them too.

Ezra says "What is this?"

Vizago says "Freedom!"

Ezra says "Vizago? I don't believe it."

Vizago says "What? Oh! Now I see. You did not come here to rescue me. Betrayed! Oh! I knew I should've given you up!"

Luna says, in a mumble to Zeb "A bit over dramatic much?"

Zeb chuckles and Kanan says "Yeah, well, we're here now."

Ezra says "And we are rescuing you."

Sabine says, over the comm "Guys, get up here."

The rebels and slaves run into the cockpit and Sabine says "I've got two targets closing fast. Those aren't Mining Guild vehicles."

Ezra says "No, it's the Empire."

Zeb says "It's not too late to abandon ship."

Sabine says "We still need to contact Hera."

Ezra says "This crawler is valuable. It has long-range communication, and we can use it for our attack."

Zeb says "Right now, it's unarmed. No match for those gunships."

A man says, over the comm "Mining Guild vessel, transmit security codes now."

Ezra says "Zeb, get the slaves on deck. Show the Empire everything is under control. Luna, pretend that you're a slave."

Zeb says "Me, a slave master?"

Luna says "And me? A slave?"

Ezra says "Just put the helmet on."

Zeb grabs a helmet and Seevor pounds on the door as he says "Stay out of my chair!"

The man says, over the comm "Repeat, transmit security code, or we will open fire."

Vizago says, into the comm "Uh, this is the captain. Uh, 93-94. How may I help you?"

The man says, over the comm "The Mining Guild reported a security alert for this vessel."

Vizago says, into the comm "We're having a maintenance issue and lost our security codes, but everything is under control."

Seevor pounds on the door, again, and says "Kick the bum out! Scoundrels, all of them!"

Zeb opens the door as the man says, over the comm "Repeat that, Captain."

Zeb knocks out Seevor again as Vizago says, into the comm "I was yelling at my slaves! they were being insolent!"

Zeb comes out as the man says, over the comm "Prepare to be boarded."

Vizago says, into the comm "No, no, no, no, no that is not necessary. I am trying to run an operation here."

The gunships land on the top deck, where Zeb, Luna, and the slaves are waiting.

Zeb says "What are you looking at? Get working. Heh...You can't get good help these days."

A stormtrooper says "Squad 2, sweep the lower decks. The rest of you, with me."

The stormtroopers enter the cockpit as Zeb walks down the stairs. A few minutes later, the Imperials leave and Zeb and Luna walk up the stairs.

Zeb and Luna enter the cockpit as Sabine says "Guys, I think I've got it. Transmitting to Hera now."

Sabine activates it, but they discover that the power has been diverted away so it can't work.

Luna says "That doesn't seem good."

Sabine says "Transmitter's lost power?"

Seevor says, over the comm "I told you not to mess with me. You may have duped those Imperial suclurs, but you won't fool the Mining Guild."

Zeb says "That sneaking little lizard."

Ezra says "How'd he get a commlink?"

Sabine says "He's on the crawler intercom, and he's sabotaged power to the long-range transmitter."

Seevor says, over the comm "Patch me through to the Empire, or I will destroy this crawler, you pirate scum!"

Zeb says "We are not pirates. Haven't you figured that out by now?"

The rebels walk into the small room and Kanan says "We've got to find him before he sabotages this whole thing."

Zeb says "He's in the ventilation shafts. He could be anywhere in there."

Sabine says "He's targeted will be the main reactor come in the refinery."

Kanan sighs and says "Come on."

Kanan, Zeb, and Luna run out of the cockpit and run towards the reactor room. They attempt to enter, but find that the door has been locked and magnetically sealed, preventing Kana from cutting his way in.

Zeb says "We can't get in. He's locked the refinery doors."

Kanan says, into the commlink "I can't out through either. They're magnetically sealed."

Sabine says, over the commlink "Well, then we need someone capable of navigating those ventilation shafts."

Ezra is in the ventilation shafts and Kanan says, into the commlink "Ezra, hurry! We can't let him destroy the reactor."

Sabine says, over the commlink "Ezra? Ezra, are you there? What do you see?"

Zeb says "Kid's probably taking a nap."

Ezra says, over the commlink "I'm here, oh, he shut down the reactors, all right."

Once Ezra puts the power back on, Ryder returns the crawler in his speeder.

Kanan says "We made a believer out of you yet, Ryder?"

Ryder says "You're getting there, Kanan."

Sabine says, over the commlink "Well, I beamed out a signal to rebel command. Now we just have to wait for a reply."

Zeb says "Guess this crawler belongs to us. Maybe we are pirates after all."

Ezra says "At least these plains have been spared. For now."

Vizago says "That is not all you spared. I now you did not come here to rescue Vizago, but I am grateful all the same."

Ezra says "And we're grateful to you, Vizago, for not turning us in. You're all free now. But we could use your help to fight the Empire on Lothal."

the slaves agree to join the Rebellion and Vizago says "As for this vessel, it is obviously in need for a new captain."

Ezra says "I think I know just the pirate for the job."

Vizago chuckles and Sabine says "We're receiving a transmission."

The rebels run into the cockpit and Hera says, over the comm "Happy to hear from you guys. And good timing, rebel command has authorized the attack. Fighters are being fueled and bombers loaded."

Ezra says, into the comm "The attack? It's happening?"

Hera says, over the comm "We're launching our assault on the next rotation. I told Mon Mothma you'll coordinate the ground assault."

Ezra says, into the comm "you can count on us."

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