Wings Of The Master/Part 2

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Hera and Sabine tries to fix the Phantom while Zeb says "I can't believe that old carp isn't gonna let you fly his ship. You ask me, he's been out of the water too long."

Luna says "Yeah, you can say that again."

Hera says "I can't fix the Phantom not with the spare parts we have on board."

Sabine says "And more good news. Our comm system's fried. We can't contact the Ghost."

Luna says "So we're stuck here. Perfect."

Quarrie comes over and says "I noticed your aft stabilizer is cracked. What else you need?"

Hera says "Power bus relay, a flux converter, some plasma conduit."

Quarrie says "BeeGee will get you sorted."

Hera says "Thank you."

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine follow BeeGee. After a few minutes later, Quarrie allows Hera to fly his ship. Hera prepares the Blade-wing for take-off.

Zeb says "You're lucky to have her as your pilot."

Sabine says "How many times have you flown it?"

Quarrie syas "Me? Oh, I don't fly. Too dangerous. But theoretically, it should fly."

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine say "Theoretically?"

Quarrie chuckles and says "Better to be down here wishing I was up there than up there crashing back down here."

Zeb says, as Luna and Sabine hold him back "If that ship crashes, I'll toss you over the side and see how well you fly!"

Hera takes off and goes down after the engines suddenly cut out.

Zeb says "Hera!"

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine run over to the edge of the platform and Hera emerges.

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine laugh and all three of them say "Yes!"

Hera flies the Blade-wing through the canyon without any further problems. After passing Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Quarrie, Hera begins testing the weaponry. The Blade-wing passes a successful test flight and Hera flies it back to the landing field. Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Quarrie walk over to Hera as Hera jumps out of the Blade-wing.

Hera says "Your ship certainly has the fire power we need but the targeting system could use some work."

Sabine says "I've got some ideas."

Quarrie says "No, no. That's my ship, young one. Just what do you think you're doing?"

Sabine says "Never get between a Mandalorian and a weapon package."

BeeGee grunts and Hera says "It's Kanan. He'll want to hear about our success."

Hera talks to Kanan while Sabine looks at the Blade-wing and Zeb and Luna get the Phantom ready.

Hera comes out of the Phantom and says "We need to get moving. The second attack is about to commence."

Sabine says "Well, we've got a problem. The energy drain from the multi-cannon firing system killed the hyperdrive."

Zeb sighs and say "In basic, please."

Sabine groans and says "The weapons work, but we've got no lightspeed."

Quarrie says "Well, that has been a problem."

Hera says "It's been a problem? You...You mean you knew about this?"

Quarrie says "What did you expect for a prototype? There are all sorts of adjustments that need to be made. For instance, I don't even like this paint job so much."

Zeb gets mad and he says "Come here, fish face."

Zeb grabs Quarrie and picks him up.

Zeb says "I want to see if you can fly."

Luna says "Hang on. Hang on, Zeb. Easy."

Zeb drops Quarrie onto a crate and Hera says "There must be a way to solve this."

Quarrie says "Oh, it's a shame I had BeeGee install that other hyperdrive on the Phantom."

Hera says "You what?"

Quarrie says "I don't like seeing a ship that can't fly. During the repairs, I upgraded it. Because if you don't have a hyperdrive, you can't fly far."

Hera says "You beautiful, crazy Mon Calamari! That's the answer to our problem."

Quarrie says "What? What's the answer?"

After a few minutes later, Hera, Zeb, Luna, and Quarrie emerge from hyperspace with the Blade-wing attached to the Phantom. Hera and Sabine are in the Blade-wing while Zeb, Luna, and Quarrie are in the Phantom.

Hera says, over the PA "Turn me loose, Phantom."

Zeb says, into the PA "Say hello to Kallus for me and Luna."

Sabine says, over the PA "Oh, we will. If there's anything left of him."

Luna says, into the PA "Good luck you guys."

The Blade-wing detaches from the Phantom and joins the fight. The fleet allow Hera and Sabine to fly ahead, and once in sight of a target they fire the Blade-wing's multi-cannon, instantly destroying one of the Arquilens-class command cruisers.

Quarrie celebrates while Zeb says "Ok. So, maybe it's not such a hunk of junk after all."

The rebels successfully pass through the blockade and drop off their supplies for the people of Ibaar. With the mission completed, the rebel fleet depart from Ibaar. Later on, the rebels and Quarrie meet Commander Sato in the hallway of the airlock.

Commander Sato says "It seems Senator Organa has found a ship works sympathetic to our cause and willing to manufacture more of these B-wings in secret."

Quarrie says "Project Shantipole will continue under my supervision, of course. There are many adjustments that need to be made."

Hera says "Quarrie, thanks to you and your ship we helped many people today."

Quarrie says "I just hammered it together, young pilot. You made it soar."

Quarrie leaves the Ghost and Commander Sato says "Indeed. Your heroics are unparalleled, Captain Syndulla. That is why I agree with Kanan's recommendation."

Hera says "Your recommendation? What have you done now?"

Kanan says "Just listen to the commander."

Commander Sato says "You are to be promoted to Phoenix Leader. Our fighter pilots benefit greatly from your expertise."

Commander Sato salutes to Hera, as well as Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Ezra.

Kanan says "Good job, Captain Hera." And Hera salutes.

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