The Mystery Of Chopper Base/Part 1

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Following the discovery of Atollon, the Phoenix Squadron has established a base on the planet. Hera is in the cockpit, flying the Ghost.

Zeb and Luna walk into the cockpit as Hera says, into the comm "Ghost to Phoenix Home, we're heading down with another load."

Commander Sato says, over the comm "Copy, Ghost. I'll meet you on the surface."

Hera says "So, one more run, then we'll take a break. Are they still at it?"

Zeb says "Pretty much non-stop."

The Ghost lands at the rebel base and the rebels leave the Ghost. The rebels meet up with Rex at the command center.

Rex says "The site doesn't look like much, I'll admit. The good news is our scouts found a fresh water source, deep underground."

Sabine says "We're placing sensor markers around the perimeter. We'll know if anyone drops by unannounced."

A dokma, small critter, chirps and Zeb says "Hey! Get away from that! How I hate those little Bogens."

Luna says "I think they're kinda cute."

Zeb says "You think everything is cute."

Luna says "No I don't."

Rex says "This planet may be hot, dry, and unpleasant. But at least there's nothing trying to kill us."

Later, Zeb takes Luna to a nearby cliff that over looks the desert and several giant coral plants. Zeb has set up some stuff up. Luna sits down in a chair as Zeb sits down to the chair next to Luna. Zeb turns on the radio and him and Luna watch the sunset.

Ezra appears and he says "What are you two doing out here?"

Zeb exhales deeply and he says "Oh. Hey, Ezra. We're just getting a little fresh air and privacy. Hey, pull up a crate, watch the sunset."

Ezra goes to sit on the crate and he says "We're gonna be leaving soon. Kanan and me."

Zeb says "Yeah, we figured. Goin' after the red blades, huh?"

Ezra says "Yeah, I don't know when we'll be back. Or if we'll be back."

Zeb says "Hey, hey, bad luck to talk like that. You'll be back."

Luna says "The both of you."

Zeb says "'Course we'll probably have toppled the Empire by then. We can swap war stories."

Ezra says "It's a deal."

Zeb turns up the volume on the radio and all three of them watch the sunset. Later on, Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Luna, Ezra, and Chopper go after Rex and Sabine. Kanan, Zeb, and Luna stand on the ramp as they come to the rescue, for Sabine. They see a couple of krykna, large spider-like creatures, and they shoot at them. The Ghost lands as the krykna flee.

Zeb grunts and says "I hate multi-leggers."

The rebel get off the Ghost as Ezra says "Where's Rex?"

Sabine says "Those creatures took him. I think they got Deiser, too."

Hera says "Chopper, locate Rex's position!"

Chopper chatters and he locates Rex's position.

Chopper chatters and Sabine says "He says this way."

Zeb says "Luna and I, uh...We'll guard the ship."

Hera says "We need you both. Chopper, stay here and keep the Ghost ready for take-off."

Zeb grunts and he says "More than two legs is just...excessive."

Luna says "Yeah."

Zeb and Luna run over to the others. The rebels go into the underground tunnels as Kanan ignites his lightsaber.

Kanan says "Stay sharp and stick together."

Sabine says "They have tough armor. Aim for the eyes."

Zeb tries to get his flashlight to work and Ezra mocks Zeb by igniting his lightsaber. Zeb gets mad and he pushes Ezra.

As the rebels move deeper into the tunnels, Kanan grunts and says "We need to split up. Ezra, go with Hera."

Hera says "No. Ezra, stay with Kanan. Sabine, Luna, Zeb, with me."

Kanan says "Let's go."

Kanan and Ezra explore one section while Zeb says "Shouldn't we have a Jedi on each team?"

Hera says "We're gotta get used to not having them around."

Hera, Zeb, Luna, and Sabine continue to explore their section.

Zeb says "I don't like the looks of this."

They stumble upon a lair littered with several krykna's eggs.

Sabine sees a bunch of small shells and Hera says "Those big crawlers must eat them."

Zeb says "Ugh. Even I wouldn't wish that fate on these little Bogens."

Sabine sees the eggs and says "Uh. Are those eggs?"

A familiar voice says "I could really use a hand over here."

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