Fire Across The Galaxy/Part 1

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On Lothal, Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Ezra sabotage an imperial complex.

All four of them hide until Sabine comes out and says "Miss me, bucketheads?"

A stormtrooper says "It's her!"

Two troopers shoot at Sabine and Sabine tries to not get shot.

Sabine climbs up to the roof and says "Yup, you definitely missed me."

Sabine jumps off of the roof and a trooper says "We have an intruder on the north side, Sector 9. The artist is back. Sound the alarm."

Zeb, Luna, and Ezra peek, to make sure there are no troopers around.

Ezra says "Sabine's distraction is working."

Zeb, Luna, and Ezra run out of hiding and go towards the Imperial transport. The three of them get in the Imperial transport and go towards the cockpit. They go in the cockpit and Ezra starts up the transport. Ezra flies the transport while Zeb and Luna wave at the troopers. Sabine gets on the transport and gets in. Ezra flies the transport out of the imperial complex and flies it to the Ghost. Later, everyone is in the lounge and come up with a plan, to rescue to Kanan. Ezra is sitting at the end of the booth, Sabine is next to Ezra, Hera is standing next to Sabine, Zeb is sitting at the other end of the booth, and Luna is sitting on the stool that's next to Zeb.

Hera says "The transport you stole will get us close to the fleet over Mustafar. We know they have Kanan on Tarkin's Star Destroyer."

Zeb says "And it's surrounded by a bunch of other Star Destroyers."

Hera says "Uh, lots more. We'll need a distraction to cover our entry. Sabine?"

Sabine says "Engine room's here, all the power for the ship. If we could get inside the docking bay, I could rig something, black'em out. But our transport ship's not gonna fit in there."

Hera says "We need something small enough to get into the hangar bay. Too bad we blew up all the TIEs at that base."

Ezra says "Well, uh, there is one left. But it's not at the base."

Zeb says "Uh-uh. Uh-uh."

Ezra says "Look, this is serious, Zeb. For Kanan."

Zeb sighs and says "Fine."

Hera says "What's going on?"

Ezra says "The TIE we stole a while back, we, uh...We didn't exactly crash it."

Hera says "And by didn't exactly, you mean..."

Ezra says "We didn't crash it. We kept it. Hidden."

Hera says "You all knew about this? I should be angry. I should yell at you for disobeying a direct order. But right now, I'm just grateful we got it."

Ezra says "Uh, there's a slight problem with it."

Hera says "What kind of problem?"

Zeb stands up and says "Yeah, what kind of problem?"

All of them go to the TIE and they see the TIE is painted.

Zeb says "Okay. Well, this is awful."

Sabine says "What? It's some of my best work."

Luna says "I kinda like it."

Hera says "It'll have to do."

Zeb says "I thought you were supposed to be the sane one. This whole plan is as crazy as those colors."

Hera says "Maybe you're right. Maybe this mission doesn't make military sense. But Kanan is family. And we've all lost enough family to the Empire. So rescuing him makes sense to me. I'm not ordering you, any of you, to come along. But you need to decide now. In or our?"

Ezra says "I'm in."

Sabine say "I'm in."

Luna says "I'm in."

Zeb says "Karabast. I'm in. But what about that?"

Hera says "Eh, no time to fix it. Besides the Imperials will only scan it. By the time the Imperials see it..."

Sabine says "It'll be too late."

The rebels come up with a plan, to rescue Kanan. They've arrived, with the Imperial transport that they stole, and have the TIE, that Zeb, Luna, and Ezra stole, attach to the transport.

Everyone is in the cockpit and Hera says "I'll send in our transponder code as soon as we know Kanan is there. Ezra?"

Ezra says "Well, here goes nothin'."

Ezra uses the Force to find Kanan and Zeb says "So, anything?"

Sabine says "Give him a minute."

Zeb says "We don't really have a minute."

Luna says "Ezra, is he there?"

Ezra says "He's there. He's alive!"

Hera says "Sending codes. They bought it. Chop, send in Sabine's present."

Chopper chatters and sends the TIE to Grand Tarkin's Star Destroyer. Once the TIE is in Grand Tarkin's Star Destroyer, Sabine ignites the EMP grenades in the TIE. Hera attaches the transport to the side of Grand Tarkin's Star Destroyer.

Hera, Zeb, Luna, Sabine, and Ezra leave the cockpit and Hera says, to Chopper "This shouldn't take long. Keep the engine running."

Ezra uses his lightsasber to cut a big circle on a wall of Grand Tarkin's Star Destroyer and he uses the Force to push out the circle.

Ezra, Sabine, Hera, Luna, and Zeb get on Grand Tarkin's Star Destroyer. They all get their weapons out and see troopers knocked out.

Sabine says "These guys will wake up soon."

Ezra says "How soon?"

Zeb says "Too soon, I reckon."

Ezra says "Come on. This way."

Hera, Zeb, Luna, and Sabine follow Ezra, to where Kanan is.

Chopper chatters, over the commlink, and Hera says, into the commlink "Reinforcements already? That was fast."

Sabine says "Don't worry. On a ship this big, it'll take'em a while to find us."

They turn a corner and a bunch of storm troopers show up.

One of the troopers says "Drop your weapons! Hands up!"

Luna says "They found us."

Ezra blasts one of the troopers and all of them run in the same direction, where they turned the corner, but a trooper comes into their view.

The trooper says "It's the rebels. This way!"

The rebels turn around and run the other way.

Hera closes the hallway and Ezra says "Stand back."

Ezra uses his lightsaber and stabs the door.

Sabine says "Pretty clever, kid. So, what's next?"

Ezra says "Kanan is down that hall. I just cut off our only way to get to him."

Hera says "Might be our only way, but it's not yours."

Ezra looks up and Zeb helps him get in the air vent.

Ezra shuts the vent and Hera says "Let's go. Let's go."

Hera, Zeb, Luna, and Sabine continue to run into a direction.

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